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Cricket returns to the new hall. Hey

Cricket returns to the new hall. Hey


Rossendale Borough Council has announced that cricket will soon be back at New Hall Hey, breathing new life into the much-loved local venue through an exciting new partnership with Inspire Support Sports Empower (ISSE).

The not-for-profit organisation, recognized for its commitment to supporting communities through sport, will develop New Hall Hey into a community centre, offering programs and resources for residents of Rossendale and the surrounding areas.

Now that a long-term lease has been signed, ISSE will roll out a range of diverse community programs including youth sports, coaching and events, all aimed at promoting community connection and participation. This revitalization effort also paves the way for a substantial £50,000 investment from the England Cricket Board, aimed at improving the New Hall Hey cricket site to make it an inclusive, welcoming space for all.

The New Hall Hey site is a designated cricket facility and its retention for cricket is in line with both the Council's playing field strategy and the English Cricket Board's requirement that the ground be used primarily, but not exclusively, for cricket.

Alyson Barnes, Leader of Rossendale Borough Council, highlighted the value of this partnership in achieving the council's objectives: “We welcome the significant investment that ISSE will bring to improving the New Hall Hey site and their ambitions align perfectly with our vision to build healthier, prouder communities.

“This project will bring families, young people and older residents together through sport, activities and events, allowing everyone to get active, make connections and enjoy their local space.”

As part of ISSE's planned community engagement programme, they will also be setting up a range of initiatives beyond sport, including a community café, coffee mornings and activities for all ages. They are also planning family-friendly partnerships with local nurseries and hope to host skills workshops and cultural celebrations. ISSE is keen to see New Hall Hey as a thriving community center where residents can connect, learn and grow together, and see the venue as more than just a venue for football.

Founder and Director of Humayun Islam ISSE said: “We are pleased to be working with Rossendale Borough Council to breathe new life into New Hall Hey.

“Our goal is to create a space that resonates with every resident. From cricket programs supported by the Lancashire Cricket Foundation to workshops that promote health, skills and cultural appreciation, we believe New Hall Hey can be a real anchor for the community and inspire everyone to participate and thrive.”

Key features of the new Hall Hey project include:

– Cricket Development Centre: Skills building and youth engagement programs through partnerships with Lancashire Cricket Foundation including All Stars and Dynamos.

– Community Hub: The site supports various local initiatives such as the Holiday Activity Fund, Household Support Fund and environmental programs, making it a vibrant resource for wellbeing and personal growth.

– Community and Cultural Programs: From intergenerational activities to environmental initiatives, the project aims to serve as a focal point for community connection, creativity and sustainability.

– Food projects: Implementing food projects, such as community gardens or cooking classes, will promote healthy eating habits and food sustainability while bringing residents together around a common interest.




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