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Donald Trump tells Joe Rogan the biggest mistake of his presidency

Donald Trump tells Joe Rogan the biggest mistake of his presidency


Donald Trump sat down with Joe Rogan on Friday to record a three-hour interview for “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast. The episode was released later on Friday evening.

During the wide-ranging discussion, Trump said his biggest mistake during his tenure in the White House was hiring “bad people or disloyal people.” The former president also repeated unsubstantiated claims that the 2020 election was “rigged” — but when asked by Rogan if he was going to release evidence proving the election was “stolen,” Trump changed his tune. subject.

Rogan asked Trump if the ex-president made “bad choices” in appointing White House officials. Trump, after boasting about his Supreme Court nominees, admitted that “the biggest mistake I made” was “picking people I shouldn't have picked.” Rogan asked if Trump was referring to “neoconservatives,” to which Trump responded: “Yes, neoconservatives, or bad people, or disloyal people.” »

In this context, Trump named two former members of his administration: John Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general who had served as Trump's chief of staff, and John Bolton, his national security adviser – who have both sharply criticized Trump and the dangers he represents. he poses. Kelly and Bolton are among several former Trump officials who have become highly critical of the ex-president since serving under him. In an interview with The New York Times this week, Kelly said Trump met the definition of a fascist and had no understanding of the Constitution — and confirmed previous reports that Trump had made admiring statements about of Adolf Hitler.

In the Rogan interview, Trump called Kelly a “tyrant but a weak person” and said he was “bad,” while he disparaged Bolton as an “idiot.”

Rogan pressed Trump over the former president's claims “that you were robbed in 2020”, when Trump was defeated by Joe Biden in the US presidential election.

“How do you think you were robbed?” » Rogan asked, according to Mediaite's recap of the exchange. Trump said: “This election was so crooked, it was the most crooked election. » Rogan asked for some examples. Trump responded: “Well, let’s start, let’s start at the top and the easy ones. They were supposed to get approval from the legislature to do what they were doing, and in many cases they didn't get it. Rogan wanted to know what “legislative approval” he was talking about. Trump continued: “Like extending the vote, to vote early. All these different things. By law, they had to obtain legislative approval. You don't have to go any further than that. If you look at Wisconsin, they've pretty much admitted that the election was rigged, stolen, and stolen. They did not provide access to ballots in certain areas because they were not signed. They were not originals. They were – we could get into that stuff. We could proceed with the ballots or the general classification.

Rogan then asked Trump, “Are you ever going to introduce this?” Trump apparently ignored the question and instead brought up the Hunter Biden laptop story, which was first reported by the New York Post just before the 2020 election. A letter signed by 51 former officials intelligence at the time the original article was published indicated “they believed the contents of the laptop – full of evidence of drug use, prostitution and foreign business dealings – could be part of a Russian campaign to influence the election,” the New York Times reported. However, the laptop did belong to Hunter Biden. On Rogan's show, Trump repeated unsubstantiated claims from the Republican Party that doubts sown about the authenticity of the laptop had somehow contributed to the election of President Biden.

Rogan and Trump vibrated on a number of topics. Rogan claimed that “the rebels are now Republicans” and called conservatives “punk rock,” while “liberals are now in favor of silencing critics.” They are pro-censorship. They talk about regulating freedom of speech. It's crazy to watch. Trump responded: “They go after their political opponents. They did something that is only done in third world countries.” Trump added, without providing any supporting evidence: “I could have put Crooked Hillary [Clinton] in prison. »

Additionally, Rogan asked Trump if he was “totally committed” to appointing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to his administration. In August, Kennedy suspended his independent presidential campaign and endorsed Trump. Trump replied: “Oh, I totally am. But the only thing I want to be a little careful about with him is the environment. Because he doesn't like oil. I love oil and gas.

The full episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” with Trump is available on YouTube and Spotify.

In an article on “There is no problem with YouTube censoring the Trump episode,” Rogan wrote. “It was just supposed to go live on Spotify and YouTube at the same time and there was a glitch in Spotify's upload system so we removed the YouTube link until it was fixed. It should be fine now.




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