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From “harmony is priceless” to “harmonious coexistence”

From “harmony is priceless” to “harmonious coexistence”


Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, visits Liuchi Alley, a historic cultural site in Tongcheng city, east China's Anhui province China), October 17, 2024. (Photo: Xinhua)

Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, visits Liuchi Alley, a historic cultural site in Tongcheng city, east China's Anhui province China), October 17, 2024. (Photo: Xinhua)

The Chinese nation has strong cultural creativity. By adhering to the “two combinations” (to combine the fundamental principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and its beautiful traditional culture), Chinese modernization brings new contemporary connotations to China's outstanding traditional culture.

Recently, during an inspection in Anhui Province, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), learned about the history and heritage of Liuchi Alley in the city of Tongcheng and stressed the importance of promoting traditional Chinese virtues. nation, with emphasis on civility and peace.

At the recent 16th BRICS Summit, Xi proposed that “we should build BRICS engaged in closer people-to-people exchanges, and we should all act as advocates of harmonious coexistence among all civilizations.”

Whether during domestic inspections or overseas visits, Xi attaches great importance to inheriting and promoting China's outstanding traditional culture.

He called for relying on culture to strengthen China's governance and drive its modernization, proclaiming the need to “uphold the flag of peace, development, cooperation and win-win results.” He emphasized the goal of “building the Earth we live on into one harmonious family.” Today, the essence of “harmony”, a core value of Chinese culture, is deeply rooted in the genetic makeup of the Chinese nation, shaping the thoughts and behaviors of the Chinese people.

The CPC's commitment in the new era to the happiness of the people, the rejuvenation of the nation, the progress of humanity and the unity of the world is broad and deep, with deep roots and a legacy that continues to flourish. thrive.

Continuing China's cultural lineage, Chinese modernization represents a new destiny for the Chinese nation. By emphasizing creative transformation and innovative development, Chinese civilization is bound to shine again.

“Harmony is the universal way forward.”

The path to harmony is rooted in the cultural construction of the soul.

Traditional Chinese virtues constitute the essence of Chinese culture, rich in moral and philosophical resources.

From the expression “harmony generates vitality” in the State Speeches, to “harmony is inestimable” in the Interviews, including the contemporary social defense of family values ​​such as “harmony and beauty”, interpersonal relationships characterized by “calm and peace,” conflict resolution prioritizing “harmony” and business practices promoting “prosperity through harmony” – the “he” character (harmony) truly embodies the profound meaning of Chinese culture.

The creativity of Chinese civilization determines that it maintains tradition without clinging to the past and respects ancient wisdom without returning to archaic thinking.

Today's Liuchi Alley embodies the spirit of the path of harmony and cultural expression.

“The two walls of my family stretch a hundred yards long. Between the two, virtue and righteousness walk, while courtesy and humility stand on either side. My family's driveway is six feet long wide. With infinite tolerance, harmony is hidden in poetry…” The enchanting melody of the Spring Festival Gala song “Liuchi Alley” is widely celebrated.

“Don't say that modesty brings you nothing; giving roses to others leaves a lingering scent. Leaving her three feet becomes a beautiful story, and harmony brings good omen for the days and months to come…” The heartfelt melodies of Huangmei Opera “Liuchi Alley” resonate deeply with the audience.

The wisdom and essence of Chinese culture continually inspire new waves according to the currents of the times.

In Hehe Town, Tiantai Mountain, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, more than 600 creative cultural products, the animated TV series Hehe Erxian (Immortals of Harmony and Union) and the poetic musical Tianxia Hehe illuminate the culture of “harmony and unity” throughout the past and present. The “Family of Five Virtues” initiative in Dongying, Shandong province, promotes “civility, discipline, harmony and family unity”, embodying the core values ​​of traditional culture and modern living standards .

The simple concept that “harmony is priceless” is deeply rooted in the hearts of the Chinese people and is a vital spiritual force that supports the continuing heritage of the Chinese nation.

China's excellent traditional culture constitutes the foundation and spirit of the Chinese nation and the root of its resilience in global cultural exchanges.

The philosophy of “harmony” applies to both governance and social order.

Valuing benevolence, putting the people first, upholding integrity, revering justice, promoting harmony, and seeking common ground embody the spirit of traditional Chinese culture. We must discover and elucidate its relevance to our times, promote Chinese culture to increase mutual understanding, and educate the people through culture, so as to build China's spirit, values ​​and strengths.

Incorporating the cultural significance of “Liuchi Alley” and its ideals of harmonious justice with practical social governance, the “New Era Liuchi Alley mediation method” emerged in Tongcheng, helping to resolve community conflicts and advance social governance . In 2023, this method was included in the work report of the Supreme People's Court and selected as a case in the “Fengqiao Model”, which is named after a city in Zhejiang Province and is an example of social governance in Chinese community level.

“Law ensures social stability while virtue nourishes the spirit.”

The “three zeros” approach in the Mudan community of Shenyang, Liaoning province, the “Fengqiao experience” in Mingxi county, Fujian province, and the “Dongbula mediation” in Fuhai county, Xinjiang, transform all the tradition of “harmony is invaluable” in practical approaches to governance. The popular mediation system has become fundamental in the diverse resolution of disputes, writing a new chapter of the “two miracles”.

The people's congress system and the political consultative conference system initiated by the CPC are deeply linked to the basic popular thought of Chinese civilization, the idea of ​​shared governance, the tradition of “consultation” and consistent political wisdom. to embrace diversity and seek common ground. . From harmonious courtesy to harmonious collaboration, to developing all things together, we build a peaceful China, a law-based China, and then a beautiful China… In the overall construction of a socialist country, Harmony is an essential element. value to take into consideration.

The path to harmony is rooted in a global perspective.

Chinese modernization is a modernization that follows a path of peaceful development. More than 200 years ago, Napoleon Bonaparte compared backward China to a sleeping lion. In the spring of 2014, on the banks of the Seine, President Xi declared profoundly: “Today, the lion has awakened. But it is peaceful, pleasant and civilized. »

The Chinese nation values ​​peace; there are no genes for invading others or seeking global hegemony in our blood. Maintaining trust, promoting harmony, and fostering kindness with neighbors has always been our way of interacting with the world.

China is the only major country to have enshrined peaceful development in both its national Constitution and the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, elevating this principle to the level of national will. Confidence and awareness of embarking on the path of peaceful development are deeply rooted in the rich heritage of Chinese civilization.

From “the historical response of the five principles of peaceful coexistence” 70 years ago to “the contemporary vision of building a community with a shared future for humanity” in the new era, the spirit of “harmony” remains coherent while achieving significant historical achievements. jumps.

Since the advent of the new era, China has hosted the China International Import Expo, the China International Trade in Services Fair, the China Import and Export Fair and the China International Expo. consumer products from China, continuously reducing the negative list of access to foreign investment. , establishing pilot free trade zones and the Hainan Free Trade Port.

China welcomes people from all countries to ride the “fast train” and “express bus” of China's development. By adhering to the basic national policy of opening-up and resolutely pursuing an open strategy of mutual benefit and win-win, China's door of opening-up is getting wider and wider, and China's circle of friends China is expanding, with more partners in its ranks. the common journey towards modernization.

China's modernization constitutes an impetus for the forces of world peace and a strengthening of the forces of international justice.

China's journey toward modernization is guided by a deep concern for the future of humanity and a deep commitment to the well-being of its people.

At every historical turning point, culture has always felt the changes in national destiny and stood at the forefront of the times, sounding the clarion call of the times.

Countries can become partners when they share the same values ​​and ideals, but they can also be partners if they seek common ground while reserving their differences.

Mutual respect, unity and cooperation as well as harmonious coexistence are the correct paths for the development of human civilization.

Advocating peaceful coexistence and harmony among civilizations, Xi's stance to promote the high-quality development of greater BRICS cooperation transcends the scope of BRICS, aiming for a broader global perspective and aligning with the progress of human civilization.

Harmonious coexistence is both a humanist foundation and a humanist quest; it is about seeking common ground and following the right path. Building a community with a shared future for humanity has become a glorious standard that guides the progress of the times, and will surely push humanity to steer the great ship toward a bright future of peace, security, prosperity and progress.




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