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Xis stimulus plan hits wall of skepticism in Washington

Xis stimulus plan hits wall of skepticism in Washington


(Bloomberg) — President Xi Jinping's boldest economic stimulus since the pandemic failed to impress global luminaries gathered in Washington this week, who called for more measures to rebalance China's growth and greater clarity on Beijing's political plans.

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Central bank governors and finance ministers speaking on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank cast doubt on recent interest rate cuts, increased liquidity for banks and support for the housing sector in China. Others said there was a lack of clarity around the crucial fiscal package as investors await a Nov. 4-8 meeting of China's top lawmakers to see whether they would approve further stimulus measures.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has criticized the stimulus campaign so far for failing to address the most pressing problems of overcapacity and weak domestic demand. IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva has warned that China's annual growth could fall well below 4% in the future without reforms to boost domestic consumption. Brazilian Finance Minister Fernando Haddad said there was uncertainty over the stimulus measures, without giving further details.

“I haven't really heard any policy announcements from China to address this issue as I hoped,” Yellen said, referring to the lack of measures to boost consumer spending, which which she identified as crucial to rebalancing the Chinese economy away from the manufacturing sector.

Conversations behind closed doors in the capital focused on the scale of China's bazooka and how much China's economy is weakening, according to a senior central bank official. These discussions took place as America was days away from a close election that could redefine its relationship with Beijing, with Donald Trump threatening to impose tariffs on China that would decimate trade between the two largest economies.

Top Chinese central bank officials and Vice Finance Minister Liao Min have traveled to the United States for meetings, including a Group of 20 conclave, but none of the key figures in Beijing's recovery plan gave a public speech. While Chinese officials rarely speak openly about such meetings, their silence is even more striking this week as investors clamor for the outlines of a government borrowing package that policymakers have suggested are imminent.




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