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Trump records 3-hour podcast interview with Joe Rogan

Trump records 3-hour podcast interview with Joe Rogan


In a highly anticipated interview, Donald Trump addressed a wide range of cultural and political issues Friday evening during a three-hour conversation with Joe Rogan, who hosts one of the biggest podcasts in the world.

The recording went on so long that Trump arrived several hours late to his rally that evening in Traverse City, Michigan. Frustrated at having to wait so long, many people left.

Rogan's interview continues Trump's reliance on non-traditional media, including podcasts, in the weeks leading up to Election Day. Rogan also invited Vice President Kamala Harris for an interview, but her campaign was declined. Rogan's podcast has over 17 million YouTube subscribers.

Much of the interview, which was posted online around 10 p.m. Friday night, was a rehash of comments Trump made throughout the campaign.

He said the war in Ukraine would never have happened if he had been president, complained that moderators weren't doing enough fact-checking on Vice President Kamala Harris during her only debate with Trump , lambasted the mainstream media, did things like continue to portray Harris and Democrats as more dangerous than foreign enemies, and engaged in conspiratorial talk about stealing the 2020 election.

Rogan at one point asked Trump to provide examples of how the 2020 election was stolen, as he has long falsely claimed. Trump gave a largely disjointed response that concerned changes to election law that he said had not received proper legislative approval.

They were supposed to get legislative approval to do what they did, and they didn't get it, Trump said, referring to changes that made voting easier during the height of the pandemic.

Trump, who is seeking his second term in the White House and will not be able to seek a third term if he wins, said it would be his last election if I won. He was noncommittal about whether he would run again if he lost.

If I win, it will be my last election, he said. But I think I owe it to the country. We must have fair elections.

Trump has made baseless claims that the 2020 election was stolen as a key part of the campaign's messaging leading up to the 2024 election, even though he admitted in September that he narrowly lost the race against President Joe Biden.

Trump's campaign rhetoric has become increasingly hostile in the final weeks of the election, with threats to do things like jail his political opponents and withdraw the broadcast licenses of media organizations he opposes becoming more regular topics during election rallies.

This has led his opponents to portray Trump as someone who has dictatorial instincts, which was highlighted last week when his former chief of staff, John Kelly, told the New York Times that Trump fits the definition of a fascist.

I was actually the opposite of a dictator, Trump said Friday, in defense. I was a very straight guy.

Trump also told Rogan that he learned a lot about UFOs.

“There's no reason not to think that Mars and all these planets don't have life,” Trump said.

Rogan quickly corrected him about life on Mars.

“Mars, we've had probes and rovers there, and I don't think there's any life there,” Rogan said.

“Maybe this is the life we ​​don’t know,” Trump responded.

At one point, Rogan also appeared to try to stop Trump from praising Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, who Trump has spoken fondly of in the past. Without elaborating, Trump said the generals he spoke with thought Lee was a genius. At this point, Rogan asked Trump to clarify that he only meant strategically, which Trump approved.

Later in the interview, Rogan seemed to foreshadow that Trump Lee's comment might get him criticized.

Donald Trump wants the South to win, Rogan said, mimicking what the criticism might sound like.

“The Joe Rogan Experience,” launched in 2009, is one of the most popular podcasts in the United States, especially among young men.

The episodes, which typically run for hours, feature a wide range of guests from various industries, including entertainment, sports, technology and politics.

Rogan, a former comedian and host of Fear Factor, has built a solid reputation as an unlikely political pundit. But its popularity has been accompanied by years of mounting criticism. The host was accused of spreading misinformation about Covid, using racist slurs and making anti-Semitic comments on his show.

Although he has not shied away from political topics, Rogan has not issued any official endorsements this election cycle.

In August, Rogan said on his podcast that he was a fan of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but later clarified in an article on X that he did not support the then-independent candidate. Kennedy Jr. later dropped out of the race and supported Trump.

Vice President Kamala Harris was also in talks to give Rogan an interview, but that did not come to fruition. Ian Sams, a spokesperson for his campaign, told MSNBC on Thursday: “We have discussed the podcast with Rogan and his team, unfortunately it will not work at this time due to the timing of this period of the campaign.

Trump, who is notably not known for being a humble person, seemed to recognize the importance of being on Rogans' podcast, at one point referring to himself as one of your students.

When it comes to the environment, Trump has said environmental regulations are the primary tool to stop growth and has continued to attack his longtime enemy, the windmill, for what he says is its harmful impact on wildlife. In this case, Trump expressed concern about the impact of wind turbines on whales.

I want to become a whale psychiatrist, he said. It drives the whales crazy if something happens to them, but they're stranded and yet they don't talk about environmentalists, do they?

He also continued to personally attack Harris, calling her unintelligent and portraying her as a greater threat to the nation than even foreign opinions.

If she becomes president of the United States, which I can't believe, Trump said. I don't think this country will get through this.

Trump has increasingly called Harris stupid, and at a rally Thursday night in Las Vegas, he said her policies would kill thousands of people.

Yet on Friday, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky released a letter calling on Harris to tone down her rhetoric. They argued that Trump could face a third assassination attempt following heated election discussions.

Calling a political opponent a fascist risks inviting another potential assassin to try to deprive voters of their choice before Election Day, the two men wrote.

The letter does not mention that Trump applied this term to Harris on several occasions.

As the third hour of the interview approached, Trump said he realized he had to go to a planned rally in Michigan, for which he was late due to the length of the interview by Rogan.

I have to make a big speech, Trump said. And if I'm a little behind tonight, I'm going to blame you.




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