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Trump arrives late to Michigan rally after three-hour Joe Rogan podcastExBulletin


Republican presidential candidate, former President Donald Trump, arrives for a campaign rally in Traverse City, Michigan, on Friday. Trump recorded the Joe Rogan Experience podcast earlier Friday and delayed his appearance in Michigan by 3 hours. Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images .

switch captionAnna Moneymaker/Getty Images

In one of the longest interviews he has done as a candidate, former President Donald Trump's three-hour interview with podcaster Joe Rogan on Friday offered an extended version of the meandering and sometimes close to the facts that Trump has uttered recently.

[The weave] comes home to the right people. For bad people, it doesn't come home and they end up in the wild, right?

Trump, who left thousands of rally-goers in Traverse City, Michigan, waiting an extra three hours Friday night because of his extra time with Rogan, attacked Vice President Harris as someone who doesn't couldn't put two sentences together in interviews and touted his own oratory skills that regularly. navigate several divergent topics in a short time.

I like to give a hard time, Trump said on The Joe Rogan Experience. But when you do the weaving, and you have to be very smart to do the weaving, when you do the weaving, look at this, just in this one thing, we're talking about little pieces…

I have to take him home, Rogan intervenes.

No, no, it comes down to the right people, Trump continued. For bad people, it doesn't come home and they end up in the wild, right?

Much like his rally speeches, Trump's conversation with Rogan covered a wide range of topics with few connections, such as an episode of The View he was on during his first campaign, hosting The Apprentice, UFOs, whales dead and a historical detour on Abraham Lincoln. .

Lincoln had a, I don't know. I've never read that, I've heard it from people in the White House who really understand what's been going on throughout the life of the White House, he said. But Lincoln had yips, in a way, as the golfers would say, he had a phobia of [Confederate General] Robert E. Lee. He said, I can't beat Robert because Robert E. Lee has won many battles in a row.

He also repeated several central anecdotes and arguments from his presidential campaign that are also essential parts of his stump speech, such as a call to cut the corporate tax rate to 15 percent, impose high tariffs on foreign vehicles imported into the country, and he continued to falsify fraud claims that cost him the 2020 elections.

I won like – I lost like I didn't lose, but they say I lost, Joe, Trump said, repeating the lie that he won this election. He didn't do it.

As an aside, Trump also seemed to endorse eliminating the income tax and relying solely on tariffs to fund the government, but before fully expanding on what he meant and how that would work, he discussed the billionaire Elon Musk, how Musk supported him in the election and joked that Rogan would not be a Harris supporter, but rather a Khabib person, referring to the Hall of Fame fighter UFC, Khabib Nurmagomedov.

Your weave is getting wider, Rogan exclaimed.

In the final days of his third presidential campaign, Trump has become increasingly unpredictable in his public appearances and disastrous in his rhetoric. On the Rogans podcast, Trump reiterated his view that there is an enemy within that is worse for the country than enemies like North Korea. Trump also discussed using the military against domestic enemies.

“We have a bigger problem, in my opinion, with the enemy within, and it drives them crazy when I use that term,” he said. But we have an enemy from within. We have people who are really bad, people who, in my opinion, really want this country to fail.

He also said he didn't really believe the polls, before touting his latest numbers and baselessly claiming, once again, that there was widespread voter fraud.

Former President Donald Trump sends a personal message on the jumbotron informing attendees that he will be three hours late for a campaign rally in Traverse City, Michigan, on Friday. Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images .

switch captionJim Watson/AFP via Getty Images

When Trump finally arrived in Michigan, he looked visibly tired, repeating some of the same topics and anecdotes from Rogan's interview just hours before, but with far less energy and cohesion.

He took the stage to the theme music of WWE wrestler The Undertaker, standing silently on stage as the ominous song played before apologizing for the delay.

Here's what they wanted to do: We were so busy, and I figured you wouldn't mind too much, because we're trying to win, he said.

He then mentioned poll numbers and early voting turnout, falsely claiming he was ahead in all seven key states, before attacking Harris for holding a campaign rally in Texas featuring global superstar Beyonc .

Do you know where she is tonight? She's partying, he said. So Israel attacks, we are at war and she is celebrating. At least we're working to make America great again, that's what we're doing.




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