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Why don't children dress in old sheets anymore?

Why don't children dress in old sheets anymore?


The days when we cut two eye holes, put the sheet over our heads and ran around the garden trying to scare each other. Have we left those days behind us?

These homemade ghost outfits were truly horrifying, of course. The eyeholes constantly slid to the left or right, so most of the time you couldn't see anything, and the sheet flapped, regularly causing trips and falls. But it was fun, and we kids who grew up in the 60s and 70s remember it well.

Again using old sheets, some children cut them into strips and mummified themselves, wrapping their bodies in the fabric or even using toilet paper.

At that time, we created costumes with whatever we had on hand: sheets, bags, old clothes.

Sometimes we drizzled tomato sauce on our costumes to add a little horror.

I don't know what's happening to old sheets these days, but it certainly isn't.

These days, go to any Halloween party, or trick-or-treating party – something we thankfully didn't do as kids – and half the attendees will probably have the same ghost costume or from Asda.

Every supermarket is full of them, from vampires to ghouls, including skeletons and pumpkins. They're cheap enough that many parents see them as an easier option than going through the hassle of making them themselves.

Supermarkets are selling a range of Halloween outfitsSupermarkets are selling a range of Halloween outfits

It's a shame. Making costumes – whether for Halloween, Christmas or World Book Day – stimulates children's creativity. I loved digging through the bottom of drawers, rummaging through the shed and my mother's sewing box for trinkets and things to make outfits with.

I remember making dozens of chickens out of cotton balls, painting them yellow, and gluing them onto an Easter hat I made from cereal boxes. Nowadays you can buy ready-made bonnets and all the accessories to beautify them. It's a shame: creating something from nothing stimulates the imagination and, above all, it's a lot of fun.

We didn't have World Book Day when I was growing up, but if it had, I almost certainly would have played Anne from Anne of Green Gables, a character I adored. I have hair, and with mom's help, I could have put together an outfit.

World Book Day has become such an event that clothes worn by main characters in children's books are now reproduced in major supermarkets. Parents can buy ready-made Alice in Wonderland or Harry Potter outfits. I know it's harder these days to find time to sit down and make stuff with your kids, but young people could be encouraged to give it a try.

Back in my day, we raided the dress-up box, which contained old clothes, hats and other items, including my mother's wedding dress, which she kindly gave to us kids.

Fortunately, all is not lost. Some people still have to make their own outfits for occasions like Halloween – there are many websites offering DIY examples using materials such as cardboard boxes and tubes, aluminum foil, egg cartons , cereal boxes, scarves, socks, zippers, pillows, trash bags, markers and, yes, old sheets.

For anyone looking to dress up this Halloween, I recommend looking around, raiding your cardboard recycling bins, digging up some old clothes, and getting stuck in there. I bet your outfit will get more interesting comments from your family and friends than any store. -purchased case.




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