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1.4 billion for the reconstruction of schools next year

1.4 billion for the reconstruction of schools next year


The Government has pledged to protect education priorities in next week's Budget, including committing $1.4 billion to fund the existing school rebuilding program next year.

This announcement represents a $550 million increase in funding for the reconstruction program compared to last year.

Chancellor Rachel Reeves also said she would triple investment in school breakfast clubs to more than 30 million next year.

But it is not yet clear whether school revenue funding will increase or whether much-needed additional funding for SEND will come to fruition.

A Treasury press release today said improving opportunities for children and young people would be a key part of the Chancellor's first Budget next Wednesday.

He repeated the new Labor government's line that the party must make tough decisions in the face of a $22 billion black hole in public finances inherited from the Conservatives.

More money, but for existing reconstructions

The 10-year school rebuilding program was first announced by Boris Johnson in 2021. At the time, the government said it would spend 1 billion a year. But successive administrations have remained silent on long-term funding.

The program aims to carry out 50 reconstructions per year, with buildings prioritized according to their condition. There iscurrently 518 projectsin the program, including many schools that have been identified as having crumbly and unsafe RAAC concrete.

Treasury said Schools week the 1.4 billion was for 2025-26 and represents an increase of 550 million on what was spent last year.

It comes after Education Minister Stephen Morgan recommitted the government to the rebuilding program earlier this month.

Future funding decisions will be made in the next phase of the spending review, which is due to conclude in March.

Reeves said: This government's first budget will set out how we will repair the foundations of the country. It will mean tough decisions, but also the start of a new chapter for Britain, growing our economy by investing in our future to rebuild our schools, our hospitals and our battered roads.

Protecting education funding was one of the things I wanted to do first, because our children are the future of this country. We may have inherited a disaster, but they shouldn't suffer from it.

Funding for breakfast clubs increases by up to 30 million

Free breakfast clubs for primary schools were a key commitment in Labour's manifesto. The party had previously cost the project at 315 million and said this amount would be financed by closing non-domestic tax loopholes.

Last month, Reeves announced an initial $7 million in funding available for the clubs' rollout in April next year.

Brigitte Phillipson
Brigitte Phillipson

Today's Treasury press release says the government will triple its investment in breakfast clubs to more than 30 million. The ministry said Schools week this would be for 2025-2026 and that he remained “committed” to the manifesto commitment.

Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson said: “This is a Budget about repairing the foundations of the country, so there can be no better starting point than the life chances of our children and of our young people.

Our legacy may be disastrous, but I will never allow a child to learn in a ruined classroom.

We are determined to remove these barriers to opportunity, whether it's brilliant first years, free breakfast clubs or high and rising standards in our schools, this Government is putting education back at the forefront of life national.

Increase in capital funding is 'modest' compared to deficit

Pepe Di'Iasio, general secretary of the ASCL leaders' union, said schools and universities had been “woefully neglected”, with capital funding cut by 50 per cent in real terms since 2010.

Paul Whiteman
Paul Whiteman

The new government clearly has a lot of work to do and this additional investment is welcome. But this additional amount of 550 million is rather modest if we compare it to the shortfall of 4.4 billion for the maintenance of the school grounds.

Paul Whiteman, leader of the NAHT management union, said it was “important that the government is very clear about what it means by protected.

“We urge the government to take advantage of the reduction in pupil numbers some schools are facing to increase per pupil funding both in the short and long term. »

He said the 1.4 billion earmarked for reconstruction was “useful”, but “there remains a significant shortfall in terms of what is needed to restore the school stock to a satisfactory condition.

“We urge the Treasury to take advantage of the three-year spending review next spring to embark on a major program of rebuilding schools.




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