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Who is Maximillion Cooper, the husband of Queen of Rap Eve, from Gumball 3000? His first meeting was attended by Madonna and Kate Moss. He and the music star met at the event in 2010 and married in 2014

Who is Maximillion Cooper, the husband of Queen of Rap Eve, from Gumball 3000? His first meeting was attended by Madonna and Kate Moss. He and the music star met at the event in 2010 and married in 2014


Who is that girl? is not a question you need to ask about the Queen of Rap, Eve. However, her husband, with whom she celebrated her tenth wedding anniversary in June, may be a mystery to some.

The lucky man is none other than Maximillion Cooper, the man behind Gumball 3000, a lifestyle brand and entertainment group that has been organizing the Gumball 3000 car rally since 1999. The brand's website claims it's one of the best bucket list experiences possible behind a wheel. .

The Gumball 3000 25th Anniversary Rally took place in September. Photo: @gumball3000/Instagram
The Gumball 3000 25th Anniversary Rally took place in September. Photo: @gumball3000/Instagram

This year marks a quarter century of Gumball 3000, and Cooper pulls out all the stops to celebrate. With an estimated net worth of $60 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth, the British fashion designer turned model, driver and entrepreneur brings together supercars and superstars for the annual international rally.

Over the years, celebrities such as Snoop Dogg, Usher, Lewis Hamilton, Matthew McConaughey, Idris Elba and David Hasselhoff have participated in the Gumball 3000.

So what else do we know about Eve's husband Maximillion Cooper, founder and CEO of Gumball 3000?

Maximillion Coopers Wallpaper

Maximillion Cooper grew up with a passion for cars and football. Photo: @mrgumball3000/Instagram
Maximillion Cooper grew up with a passion for cars and football. Photo: @mrgumball3000/Instagram

Cooper was born in 1972 in Worcestershire in west-central England. As a teenager he had a passion for football and Formula 1. He also played table tennis competitively. His parents were both musicians, and his father later became an abstract painter. His grandfather had an impressive collection of Italian sports cars, which fueled young Cooper's love for F1.

He had a fashion and racing career

Maximillion Cooper with his wife Eve; he studied fashion under John Galliano. Photo: @therealeve/Instagram
Maximillion Cooper with his wife Eve; he studied fashion under John Galliano. Photo: @therealeve/Instagram
Cooper studied fashion design at Central Saint Martins in London, where his colleagues also attended Alexander McQueen and Stella McCartney, according to his biography on Gumball 3000. One of his teachers was John Galliano.
In a form of rebellion, as he told Extraordinary Life Stories, Cooper earned a degree in law and film from the University of Sussex, while working as a model for Armani and Ralph Lauren, racing for McLaren and Porscheand skateboarding.




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