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Men's and women's tennis close out day two of the WAC Fall Tennis Invitational

Men's and women's tennis close out day two of the WAC Fall Tennis Invitational


ABILENE, Texas Day two of the inaugural Western Athletic Conference Fall Tennis Invitational concluded with one doubles team and two singles players for the UT Arlington men's and women's tennis teams advancing to the finals taking place on Sunday, October 27, from the John TL Jones Tennis Center on campus from Abilene Christian.

“It was another fantastic day,” said the national coach Diego Benitez. “We are eagerly looking forward to competing tomorrow and giving our best.”

The doubles team of Yazid Lahjomri And Pedro Sasso started the day by defeating the No. 1 overall seeds, Daniel Morozov and Ethan Scribner of Grand Canyon, 6-3, 6-4. They will face No. 2 Brice Patoux and GCU's David Wekesa.

“Yazid and Pedro reached another final,” said Benitez.

This is the second finals appearance for Lahjomri and Sasso as doubles this fall season, having accomplished that feat early this month at the Ron Wesbrooks Invitational, where they would win the finals when they defeated Rice's Joshua Mandelbaum and Yair Sarouk.

Andrés Medus defeated No. 2 seed Daniel Morozov of ACU 6-4, 6-2 in the semifinals.

“Andy performed exceptionally well and managed to beat a tough opponent,” said Benitez. “His opponent had success against him before, but he was still able to beat him in straight sets.”

Also in the men's singles side, No. 4 seed Sasso fell to top-seeded Nikita Volonski of GCU in a tightly contested match that went all three sets, 5-7, 6-3, 7-5.

On the women's side, Ana Paula Jimenez who is the No. 2 overall seed punched her ticket to the final after defeating Emma Persson of Tarleton State 6-3, 7-5. In two singles matches for Jimenez during the tournament, she has not played a single match for the entire three sets and has won four sets in a row.

“Ana once again demonstrated her great composure,” Benitez said. “She took advantage of the opportunity in the crucial moments of the match.”

Jimenez will face Tarleton State's Noelia Lorca in tomorrow's finals with a trip to the ITA Conference Masters on the line.

In doubles the team of Valeriia Ivanovskaya and Jimenez fell to Seattle U's Lamija Avdic and Liliya Dimova in a match that went down to the wire, dropping the score 6-2, 4-6, (10-6).

The invitational winners will advance to the ITA Conference Masters on November 7-10 in Rome, Georgia, to attempt to advance to the NCAA Singles and Doubles Championships in Waco later in November.

You can follow live statistics all weekend:
Sunday October 27 Live Stats – Men|Live Stats – Women

Below is the schedule for both men and women for the final day of the tournament:

Sunday October 27

Men's doubles final
Match 3: No. 2 GCU (Brice Patoux/David Wekesa) vs. No. 4 UTA (Yazid Lahjomri/Pedro Sasso) – 9am CT

Men's singles final
Match 7: #1 Nikita Volonski (GCU) vs. #6 Andrés Medus (UTA) – Afternoon CT

Women's doubles final
Match 5: Well. 5GCU (Gala Arangio/Dania Deaifi) vs. Good. 3 SU (Lamija Avdic/Liliya Dimova) – 9am CT

Women's singles final
Match 11: No. 5 Noelia Lorca (TSU) vs. Good. 2 Ana Paula Jimenez (UTA) – Afternoon CT


For updates, behind-the-scenes photos, videos and more engaging and personal content, follow the men's and women's tennis programs on X (formally known as Twitter) (@utamavsmtennis)(@utamavswtennis),Instagram (@utamavsmtennis)(@utamavwtennis)and Facebook(/utamavsmtennis)(/utamavswtennis).




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