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Jaishankar hails army, democracy for India-China patrol agreement in LAC region

Jaishankar hails army, democracy for India-China patrol agreement in LAC region


Foreign Minister S Jaishankar during an interaction with students of FLAME University in Pune on October 26, 2024.

Foreign Minister S Jaishankar during an interaction with students of FLAME University in Pune on October 26, 2024. | Photo credit: PTI

Foreign Minister S Jaishankar on Saturday (October 26, 2024) attributed the ground-breaking agreement with China on patrols along the Line of Actual Control to the army which worked in “very very unimaginable” conditions and diplomacy skillful.

Responding to a question during an interaction with students in Pune, Mr. Jaishankar said it was still a bit early to normalize relations, which will naturally take time to rebuild some degree of trust and willingness to work together.

He said that when Prime Minister Narendra Modi met President Xi Jinping in Russia's Kazan for the BRICS summit, it was decided that the foreign ministers and national security advisors of the two countries would meet to see how to move forward.

If today we have reached where we are… One is due to the very determined efforts on our part to stand our ground and make our point. The Army was there (at LAC) in completely unimaginable conditions to defend the country, and the Army did its part and diplomacy did its part, Mr. Jaishankar said.

Over the decade, India has improved its infrastructure. Part of the problem is that in the early years, border infrastructure was really neglected, he added.

“Today we have invested five times more resources per year than we did ten years ago, which is yielding results and allowing the Army to actually be deployed effectively. The combination of these (factors) has led where she is,” he said. .

Earlier this week, India announced it had reached an agreement with China on patrols along the LAC in eastern Ladakh, a major step forward in ending a military standoff that has lasted for over of four years.

Since 2020, the situation at the border has been very disrupted, which has naturally had a negative impact on overall relations. Since September 2020, India has been negotiating with the Chinese to find a solution, he said.

The EAM said there were different aspects of this solution.

The most urgent thing is the disengagement, because the troops are very close to each other and the possibility of something happening existed. Then there will be de-escalation due to troop build-up on both sides, he added.

Then there is the larger question of how you manage the border and negotiate its settlement. Right now, everything that's happening is about the first part, which is disengagement, he said.

He said India and China had reached an agreement in some places after 2020 on how troops returned to their bases, but a significant part was related to patrols, the foreign minister pointed out.

There was a blockage of patrols and that is what we had been trying to negotiate for two years. So, what happened on October 21 was that in these particular areas of Depsang and Demchok, we came to an agreement that patrolling would resume as before, Mr. Jaishankar added.




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