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WATCH: Trump attacks Detroit again while calling for votes in Novi, Michigan

WATCH: Trump attacks Detroit again while calling for votes in Novi, Michigan


NOVI, Mich. (AP) Donald Trump further denigrated Detroit by calling for votes Saturday in a suburb of the state of Michigan's largest city.

Watch Trump's remarks in the player above.

I think Detroit and some of our regions make us a developing nation, the former president told supporters in Novi. He said people want him to say Detroit is great, but he thinks it needs help.

The Republican candidate for the White House told an economic group in Detroit earlier this month that the entire country would end up looking like Detroit if Democrat Kamala Harris won the presidency. The comment drew sharp criticism from Democrats who praised the city for its recent drop in crime and growing population.

Trump's stop in Novi, after an event Friday evening in Traverse City, is a sign of Michigan's importance in this tight race. Harris was scheduled to attend a rally in Kalamazoo later Saturday with former first lady Michelle Obama on the first day in-person early voting will be available across Michigan. More than 1.4 million ballots have already been cast, representing 20 percent of registered voters. Trump won the state in 2016, but Democrat Joe Biden won it four years later.

READ MORE: Trump leaves supporters waiting for hours at Michigan rally as he records Joe Rogan interview

Michigan is home to major automakers and the largest concentration of United Auto Workers union members. It also has a large Arab-American population, and many have been frustrated by the Biden administration's support for the Israeli offensive in Gaza following Hamas' attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.

During his rally, Trump highlighted local Muslim and Arab American leaders who joined him on stage. Those voters could swing the election one way or the other, Trump said, adding that he counted on overwhelming support from Michigan voters.

“When President Trump was president, there was peace,” said one of those leaders, Mayor Bill Bazzi of Dearborn Heights. We had no problems. There were no wars.

While Trump attempts to capitalize on the community's frustration with the Democratic administration, he has a history of policies hostile to this group, including a travel ban targeting Muslim countries during his term and a commitment to extend to Gaza refugees if he wins on November 5. .

A Trump ally, Republican Darrell Issa of California, the grandson of Lebanese immigrants, told reporters that Trump was winning the support of more Arab Americans and cultivating relationships with Middle East leaders which would bring more stability to the region.

In lengthy remarks to his supporters, Trump attacked Harris and the media with familiar barbs and promoted immigration and energy policies that are campaign staples. For example, he said immigrants take the jobs of the black population and those of Hispanics. Government data contradicts this assertion, showing that immigrant labor contributes to economic growth and provides advancement opportunities for native-born workers.

Trump was heading to a rally in State College, Pennsylvania.

Swenson reported from New York.




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