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PTI distances itself from plea filed at IHC on behalf of Imran – Pakistan

PTI distances itself from plea filed at IHC on behalf of Imran – Pakistan


Gohar denies lawyer Faisal's consent request for filing plea, saying wakalatnama is obsolete

ISLAMABAD: In a surprising turn of events, the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf on Saturday distanced itself from a petition filed in the Islamabad High Court by lawyer Faisal Hussain Chaudhry on behalf of its founding president Imran Khan challenging the removal of certain prison facilities.

Interestingly, Advocate Faisal claimed that the petition was filed with the consent of PTI Chairman Advocate Gohar Ali Khan. But the PTI president reportedly said on Saturday evening that Faisal Chaudhry filed the petition on his own and used an outdated wakalatnama (power of attorney) of Imran Khan.

Barely a day ago, Faisal Chaudhry was reportedly removed from the PTI legal team as party general secretary Salman Akram Raja ordered him to disassociate himself from all matters related to the PTI founder. He was also removed from PTI lawyers' WhatsApp groups. Lawyer Gohar also confirmed this on Saturday evening.

In his response, Faisal Chaudhry, in a post on X, formerly Twitter, said he could understand that lawyer Gohar was under immense pressure.

There are allegations that Faisal Chaudhry, alongside Intizar Panjutha, was working to facilitate the return of some leaders to the party, indicating possible internal dynamics within the PTI's legal and leadership circles.

Notably, lawyer Faisal's brother Fawad Chaudhry was previously a minister in the PTI government but left the party during the crackdown on its leaders after the 2022 regime change.

The petition

The petition filed with the IHC claims that Imran Khan's political opponents are determined to undermine his commitment to democracy, the rule of law, the Constitution and the people of Pakistan, alleging that he has been subjected to inhumane treatment since October 3 this year by prison authorities. . It says the PTI founder was denied his legal rights and forced to endure harsh conditions that violate prison rules.

The petition states that the former Prime Minister was subjected to mental torture by the respondent authorities and was kept in a tiny cell measuring 8 x 6 feet, death cell, throughout the day and that He was not allowed to exercise or walk. The electricity to his cell was cut off for several days and he was forced to sit alone in a dark room for 12 to 14 hours, putting his life and safety in grave danger on the illegal and illegal command of the government in place.

The petition cited some news reports about the poor quality of food provided to Mr Khan, which caused him to suffer severe stomach pain and vomiting. The petitioner has also not received newspapers or other reading materials since October 3, in order to protect him from the ongoing hostilities and brutal repression against his family and workers.

The petition asked the High Court to order prison authorities to restore appropriate facilities based on his status as a former prime minister.

Indictment in the Toshakhana case

Meanwhile, the indictment of Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi in the Toshakhana case has been postponed again as Central Special Judge Shahrukh Arjumand is on leave.

Earlier, the judge was expected to formally charge them over allegations that they kept an expensive Bulgari jewelry set from Toshakhana at minimal cost. Since Judge Arjumand was unavailable, court staff postponed the proceedings until the end of the month.

The next court hearing will be held in Adiala Prison, although prior security and legal considerations have influenced the timing and location of hearings for this high-profile case.

Published in Dawn, October 27, 2024




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