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US Presidential Election Updates: Michelle Obama Gets Personal and Trump Courts Muslim Voters | US elections 2024

US Presidential Election Updates: Michelle Obama Gets Personal and Trump Courts Muslim Voters | US elections 2024


Michelle Obama criticized Donald Trump in surprisingly personal terms on Saturday, asking protesters in Michigan why Kamala Harris was held to a higher standard than her opponent, citing her handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and her efforts to cling to power after his defeat. the 2020 elections.

“I hope you'll forgive me if I'm a little frustrated that some of us choose to ignore Donald Trump's gross incompetence while asking Kamala to dazzle us at every turn,” Obama said during an event for Kamala Harris in Kalamazoo.

It marks a significant change in direction for Obama, who inspired Democrats with the slogan “when they go low, we go high” as Hillary Clinton ran against Trump.

Saturday was the first day that in-person early voting became available across Michigan. More than 1.4 million ballots have already been cast, representing 20% ​​of registered voters.

Here's what else happened on Saturday:

News from the election of Donald Trump

Donald Trump said he deserved the support of Muslim voters because he would end conflicts and bring peace to the Middle East. That's all they want, Trump said at a rally outside Detroit, adding that he had just met with a group of local imams. Trump fully supports Israel but has not specified how he would end the conflict in the region. Trump appears to be gaining support from some Muslim Americans unhappy with President Joe Biden and Harris' support for Israel, and despite Trump's ban on immigration from some Muslim-majority countries during his first term as president. Imam Belal Alzuhairi of the Islamic Center of Detroit joined Trump on stage, saying, “We ask Muslims to stand with President Trump because he promises peace.

Trump's lengthy discussion with Joe Rogan revealed some surprising things about his character before descending into Trump's usual ramblings, writes Sam Wolfson. Aside from his assertion that the biggest mistake he made during his presidency was hiring disloyal people, Trump responded honestly to the challenges of becoming president without having any political experience, saying it was more surreal than getting shot in the tip of the ear. . He said he largely made his money through luxury and was amazed by the beauty of the White House interior. But then he returned to the usual targets: he demonized migrants, spoke warmly of Vladimir Putin, and falsely claimed that the 2020 election was stolen from him. Rogan tried to push him on nuclear power and the environment, but Trump only wanted to discuss how ugly he finds wind farms.

Kamala Harris election news

Michelle Obama made her first appearance on the campaign trail since her blockbuster speech at the Democratic National Convention in August. She urged voters to support Harris not because she is a woman but because Kamala Harris is an adult and God knows we need an adult in the White House. When Harris spoke at the Michigan rally, she promised to be a president who listens to the American people, unlike her opponent, whom she accused of looking in the mirror all the time. Imagine the Oval Office in three months, she said. Either Donald Trump is here, preparing his enemies list, or it's me working for you, checking off my to-do list.

Harris visited a local doctor's office in nearby Portage, where she spoke to health care providers and medical students about the impact of abortion restrictions. Harris made protecting what remains of abortion access a major theme of her closing plea to voters, using it to create a stark contrast with Trump, who claimed his role in overturning Roe v Wade, but insisted he would authorize a nationwide ban as president.

Elsewhere in the electoral campaign

Less than a fortnight before Election Day, Harris and Trump are locked in a very tight US presidential election race, as our 10-day polling average shows. According to polling averages, Harris leads by a single point in Michigan and by less than 1 percent in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Nevada. Trump has a two-point lead in North Carolina and a one-point lead in Arizona.

Prominent Trump supporter Elon Musk briefly worked illegally in the United States after dropping out of a graduate program in California, according to a Washington Post article that contrasted the episode with his anti-immigration views. The South African multi-billionaire has previously argued that his transition from student to entrepreneur constitutes a legal gray area.

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