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PM Modi warns against digital arrest fraud, explains modus operandi and three steps of digital security

PM Modi warns against digital arrest fraud, explains modus operandi and three steps of digital security


Prime Minister Narendra Modi raised concerns over “digital arrest fraud” while addressing the nation on the 115th episode of Mann Ki Baat on Sunday (October 27). He played an audio-video clip showing a man donning a police uniform and asking the person (victim) on the other end to share his Aadhar number in order to block a mobile number.

Referring to this audio clip, PM Modi said, “This audio is not just for information, it is not an entertainment audio… It has emerged with deep concern.” The conversation you just heard concerns the Digital Arrest fraud. the conversation takes place between a victim and a fraudster.

The Prime Minister explained way of working “Digital Arrest fraudsters”:

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He said these fraudsters make phone calls and sometimes pose as officials of the police, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and narcotics, and sometimes the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). They use a wide variety of labels and talk about “fake officers” with great confidence.

PM Modi further explained how these fraudulent gangs work and what this dangerous game is. He outlined three steps:

“The first step… they collect all your personal information…[like] “You went to Goa last month, didn’t you?” Your daughter is studying in Delhi, right? They collect so much information about you that you will be surprised.”

“The second move creates an atmosphere of fear…the uniform, the setup of the government office, the legal sections…they will scare you so much on the phone…In the middle of the conversation you won't be able to think even.”

“And then their third movement begins. The third movement is the pressure of time. 'You must decide now, otherwise you will be arrested'. These people create so much psychological pressure on the victim that they are afraid,” explained the Prime Minister Modi.

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Three steps to digital security

PM Modi listed the three stages of digital security. “These three steps are Stop Think Take Action,” he said.

STOP: “As soon as you receive a call, stop… don't panic, stay calm, don't take hasty action, don't disclose your personal information to anyone; if possible, take a screenshot and save it with certainty,” said the Prime Minister.

THINK: “No government agency threatens you on the phone like this, asks you or demands money over a video call like this. If you're scared, know that something is wrong.”

ACT: Call national helpline 1930, report on, inform family and police, preserve evidence. Stop, then think, then act, these three steps will become the protector of your digital security.

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A word of warning

The Prime Minister said people of all social classes and ages were victims of “digital arrest”. He added: “It’s very important that you understand this and it’s just as important that others understand this as well.”

PM Modi said, “You must know that no investigating agency ever asks for such information through a phone call or video call.”

The Prime Minister warned that there is no such system as digital arrest in the law. “It’s just a fraud, a deception, it’s a lie, a bunch of criminals and those who do this are enemies of society,” he said.

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Business NewsNewsIndiaPM Modi warns against digital arrest fraud, explains modus operandi and three steps of digital security




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