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Starmer's reparations excuse was almost identical to Sunak's

Starmer's reparations excuse was almost identical to Sunak's


I don't know if you've noticed, but Keir Starmer and his Labor Party are having a hard time navigating the transition from opposition to government.

For example, a large majority of Keir Starmer's incredible collection of gifts (bribes) landed at his feet during his time as Leader of Her Majesty's Official Opposition.

The only people pushing these blatantly obvious attempts to buy direct access to ruling influence were people like Open democracywhich revealed that Keir Starmer had received more gifts than all Labor leaders combined since 1997.

THE Canary and some two bits Swindonian blogger whose name escapes me at the time was shouting it from the rooftops in August 2023, when people thought conservatives were the problem, rather than the rancid neoliberal ideology that embraces monopolistic corporate power.

I'm glad I got that off my chest.

Starmer: getting away with everything he can

Simply put, what Starmer and Labor could do in opposition, from blatant bribery to making promises they never intended to keep, won't be as easy to do. do now that they are in government.

Starmers deep down, evil personal approval notes it didn't happen by chance. I don't think I've ever encountered a new government so desperate to be taken seriously by the electorate while simultaneously doing everything in its power to prove that it cannot and should not be trusted to deliver the bold, radical changes that millions of ordinary citizens so desperately need. people across the country.

Look at what's happening with labor activists showing up in the United States to seemingly campaign for Kamala Harris.

Work claim these activists went on their own, and even though the media and many people online are focused on whether this is the truth or not, very few people seem to realize that the purpose of this visit will only be very few obstacles. to knock on the doors of the Democrats and much more to open the doors to the Labor Party and the vast number of American businesses that stand to benefit from Labor's Blairism on privatization fetishism on steroids.

Liars beget liars

Remember that cheating, racist thug – disgraced former Prime Minister Boris Johnson? Of course yes.

Proven liar Johnson spent the better part of five decades meticulously preparing for a job he believed was his rightful right. Three years after benefiting from a vote in favor of Brexit, he was done.

Proven liar Starmer had the better part of five years to forensically prepare for a job he believed was his lawful right. Three months after benefiting from an anti-Tory vote, his personal approval rating has reached an all-time low, and his government feels just as hated as the incompetent and corrupt horror show it just replaced.

But Johnson is not the only Tory leader Starmer wants to emulate, as we discovered during the Prime Minister's trip to Samoa for a meeting of Commonwealth leaders.

Repairs: a game to find the differences

Asked about the long-standing issue of reparations, Starmer said we cannot change our history and should look forward not to the past.

Nice job Mr Starmer, especially during Black History Month.

Just over a year ago, Labor MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy asked the then Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, if he would commit to restorative justice, for the historic role of Britain in the slave trade.

Altar replied:

trying to dissect our history is not the right way to go.

The two elitist toys, shamelessly singing the same colonialist anthem, couldn't be more wrong if they tried.

Asking a British colonialist to apologize for British colonialism is fitting. ITV Big brother censor a pro-Palestinian T-shirt when it is completely useless.

Righting Wrongs

The Atlantic slave trade saw millions of Africans enslaved, forced to work and invariably murdered, particularly on plantations in the Caribbean and the Americas, for centuries from around 1500. The British government and the monarchy were major players in this trade, our eternal shame.

We cannot change our history, Mr Prime Minister, but we can go a long way to letting the world know how ashamed we are of our ancestors, and this should take the form of financial recognition of the heritage of slavery, via reparations.

This is where we discover why successive British prime ministers have refused to take out the checkbook and even try to begin to right the many wrongs committed over a three-hundred-year period.

Estimates of reparations paid by activists and academics range from the conservative $205 billion almost 19 trillion.

Hello, is this Klarna? I have repairs that I need to split the cost of.

Has Keir Starmer thought about Klarna? Maybe the Prime Minister could call Zilch and see if he can reach a 19 trillion repair credit line? Just find 4.75 trillion in advance, and the rest can be paid off in three easy repayments.

Think about it: how many pensioners would Keir Starmer have to freeze to cover that one? I'm not sure that even the always generous Lord Alli will find this kind of money at the bottom of his sofa.

I went to school in the 1980s and 1990s, like many of you reading this now. I honestly don't remember talking about Britain being the leading slave trading nation in the world in exactly the same way. I don't remember us talking about Britain's role in the world. Irish potato famineand our curriculum taught us nothing about British history. shameful colonialism.

Maybe that has changed? I haven't had children in school for a few years, so I honestly can't say, but I do know that we need to become more accepting of the unspeakable crimes committed by our ancestors in the name of British colonialism.

History will repeat itself

I have no doubt that in a few hundred years many academics and political leaders will be apologizing for Britain's leading role in the West's genocide of Gaza, and that people vilified for saying the truth now will be hailed as the visionaries who tried to do it. to make the world safer.

This, of course, is provided that we don't set our own planet on fire in the meantime.

And with a mindless, hawkish waste of DNA in the form of Keir Starmer leading the country, but still behaving like an opposition party with limited accountability, that may well be sooner rather than later.

Featured image via Rachael Swindon




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