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Prime Minister Modi and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez will inaugurate Tata-Airbus plant in Vadodara today

Prime Minister Modi and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez will inaugurate Tata-Airbus plant in Vadodara today


Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez set to inaugurate final assembly line plant for C295 aircraft in Vadodara, a key 'Make in India' initiative in the aviation sector, established thanks to a collaboration between Tata Advanced Systems and Airbus Spain.

The Spanish Prime Minister will arrive in India on a three-day visit to India starting October 27, during which he will hold delegation-level talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

This is Prime Minister Sánchez's first visit to India and the first by a Spanish Prime Minister in 18 years. The previous interactions between Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Sanchez took place on the sidelines of various multilateral meetings, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In addition to the official discussions, Prime Minister Sánchez will travel to Mumbai, where he will meet with leaders from commerce, industry, think tanks and the film sector. He is expected to speak at the 4th Spain-India Forum, organized by the Spain-India Council Foundation and the Observer Research Foundation. He will also visit major film studios to interact with eminent personalities of the Indian film industry, with the aim of strengthening collaboration between the media and entertainment sectors of the two countries.

Several MoUs and agreements are expected to be signed during the visit, thereby strengthening bilateral cooperation.

Relations between India and Spain gained momentum after Prime Minister Modi's visit to Spain in 2017. Prime Minister Sanchez's current visit provides an opportunity to review and strengthen bilateral relations in various areas , including trade and investment, IT, innovation, infrastructure and renewable energy. , defense and security, pharmaceutical products, agro-technologies, biotechnologies, culture and tourism.

India and Spain established diplomatic relations in 1956 and the two countries maintain friendly relations. The last visit by a Spanish president to India was in 2006 with President José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, while King Juan Carlos I visited in 2012.

Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Sanchez have previously met at the G20 summits in Buenos Aires in 2018 and Rome in 2021, and they spoke on the phone in February last year.

Bilateral trade between India and Spain is strong and growing, totaling $9.9 billion in 2023, with India exporting $7.17 billion and importing $2.74 billion. Spain ranks 16th among investors in India, with a cumulative foreign direct investment (FDI) stock of $4.2 billion between April 2000 and June 2024.

More than 230 Spanish companies operate in India, while around 80 Indian companies are active in Spain.

The visit highlights the importance that both countries place on their bilateral partnership and the continued growth of India-Spain relations in the areas of trade, investment, defence, education, technology, tourism, culture and relations between peoples.

(With contribution from agencies)




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