Arrest and try Joko Widodo and remove Gibran Fufufafa! – Eramuslim
*Arrest and prosecute Joko Widodo and impeach Gibran Fufufafa!!*
After examining and observing the evolution of the situation and living conditions of the country, the nation and the population in recent years, we, members of the *NATIONAL FORUM FOR POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY (FNDR)*, have decided to submit a statement of attitude and demands.
We believe that Joko Widodo's regime has failed to protect the people and all Indonesian blood, promote general welfare and make the nation's life smarter. Joko Widodo's regime inherited various problems that pushed the Indonesian people further and further away from their ideals of an independent, united, sovereign, just and prosperous country and nation. Various causes of failure and legacy issues include:
1. Run the government by abandoning the moral principles of Pancasila, the mandate of the constitution and the laws that have become a national consensus. Joko Widodo betrayed the sovereignty and mandate of the people due to his ambition to stay in power through Machiavelli-style authoritarian dynastic politics.
2. To maintain control and control of power, Joko Widodo worked very closely with a number of state and corporate oligarchic entrepreneurs to develop and produce various policies and regulations. In fact, to pursue various oligarchic agendas, Joko Widodo is strongly suspected of controlling and controlling President Prabowo Soebijanto, including training members of the Red and White Cabinet. In the 2024 regional elections, Joko Widodo used President Prabowo's hand to support certain candidates to maintain his power.
3. One of the authoritarian political crimes of Joko Widodo's corruption-laden oligarchic regime was placing Gibran as its running mate for the 2024 presidential election, and followed the same practice to win it in the 2024 presidential election. Actually, apart. being unconstitutional, Gibran's candidacy did not meet the ethical, moral and educational requirements. Gibran has committed shameful acts, as evidenced by the immoral activities of Count Kaskus Fufufafa who should be prosecuted, instead of being appointed Vice President of Indonesia.
4. The decadence of political parties, on the one hand, and Joko Widodo's hostage or sprindik policy, on the other, have transformed the DPR, which should exercise a supervisory function, into a supporter of harmful government policies to the state and the state. people. While playing hostage politics, the oligarchic regime of Joko Widodo transformed the law into a political extension in the service of oligarchic power, where the rule of law (rechtstaat) was transformed into a state of power (machtstaat).
5. Encouraging tycoons, including those who are China's proxies, has played an important role in supporting Joko Widodo's grip on power and rent-seeking through oligarchic private projects that are given the title of projects national strategies (PSN), such as Rempang, BSD. and PIK-2, Surabaya Front Land and South Papua. With PSN status, oligarchs like Aguan, Salim, Tomy Winata, etc. received the full support of the regime to oppress, colonize, suffer and destroy people's lives.
6. The symbiosis of mutualism and the KKN with the tycoons of the Joko Widodo regime gave the opportunity to a number of entrepreneurs and the PRC to control various sectors of national and state life, in particular the economy, finance, natural resources, industry, commerce, technology, politics, geopolitics, etc. This silent hegemony and colonialism has become a serious threat to national defense, sovereignty, independence and resilience in the future.
7. Human rights violations constitute a systemic crime of the Joko Widodo regime. The deaths of 800 election officials ended without prosecution. The Medical Association said the deaths were not caused by exhaustion, but by design. The murder of 9 Bawaslu demonstrators on May 21 and 22, 2019, the massacre of 6 FPI soldiers and the Kanjuruhan affair which killed more than 300 people constitute contempt for humanity and can even be qualified as political engineering and of crimes.
8. The issuance of Presidential Decree No. 17/2022 does not explain who/which groups have committed serious human rights violations and who are the victims. Thus, in the 1965 affair, Muslims and the TNI were easily positioned as defendants. Meanwhile, the PKI is defended as a victim and will receive compensation for losses. Then, with the issuance of Presidential Instruction No. 2/2023 following Presidential Decree No. 17/2022, it further clarified the Jokowi regime's alignment with the PKI, which had been dissolved by the MPR TAP.
9. The Islamic Ummah is the target of paralysis through the stigmatization of terrorists, radicals, intolerants and even identity politics. Religious moderation is distorted in favor of secularization, the development of values and de-Islamization. At the same time, pragmatism, mysticism, hedonism and Machiavellianism are increasingly developing.
Considering and paying attention to the above various issues, we, of the NATIONAL FORUM FOR POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY, hereby declare:
*First*, demanding that President Prabowo exercise power and government in accordance with the Pancasila, the constitution and the sovereignty of the people, and systematically implement what was conveyed in his inauguration speech as as president at the MPR building, while freeing himself from Joko's influence. Widodo's nepotistic oligarchic policy.
*Second*, demand that the DPR, DPD and MPR exercise their authority in accordance with the 1945 Constitution to immediately proceed with the impeachment of Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka, because he does not meet the conditions as vice -president.
*Third*, demand that President Prabowo prosecute black conglomerates that collaborated to support Joko Widod's oligarchic regime, which caused misery for the people and losses to the state.
*Fourth*, invite all components of the people to demand that Joko Widodo's various crimes and violations of the law be tried in court.
Thus, this statement of attitude and demands was created and transmitted as a form of shared responsibility in respect of the sovereignty and mandate of the people based on the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
Jakarta, November 28, 2024
*FNDR Secretariat*
Marwan Batubara (0811-177-1912) and Syafril Sofjan (0877-9288-8321)
The members of the FNDR include more than 130 national personalities from all professions, all regions and all aspirations. They include: General Gatot Nurmantiyo, General Fachrul Rozi, General Tyasno Sudarto, Admiral Slamet Soebijanto, Prof. Nusa Bhakti Engagement, Prof. Sri-Edi Swasono, Dr. Marwan Batubara, KH Athian Ali, Chusnul Mariyah Ph.D, Dr. Anthony Budiawan, Pr. Rohmat Wahab, Prof. Hafidz Abbas, the Lieutenant General Suharto, the professor. Denny Indrayana, Dr. Refly Harun, Major General Soenarko, Dr. M. Said Didu, Dindin S. Maolani, Dr. Abraham Samad, KH Muhyiddin Junaedi, KH Syukri Fadholi, Dr. Paulus Yanuar, KH Sobri Lubis, Dr .Ichsanuddin Noorsy, Dr. Bivitri Susanti, Prof. Musni Umar, Dr. Roy Suryo, Syafril Sjofyan, Rizal Fadillah, Mr. Dr. Petrus Selestine, HM. Mursalin, Dr. Saut Situmorang, Dr. Abdullah Hehamahua, Sayuti Asyathri, Habib Muchsin AlAttas, Prof. Dr. Ana Rochana, KH Andri Kurniawan, Munarwan, Dr. Mémet Hakim, Dr. Tifauzia T., Adhie Massardi, Brigadier General H. Poernomo, Edy Mulyadi, Hersubeno Arief, Mudrick Sangidu, Dr. Ahmad Yani, Kelana Budi Mulya, Ida Kusdianti, KurniaTri Rayani SH, Rahma Sarita, Dr. Erick Sitompul, Tito Rusbandi, Easter Irianto, Damai Hari Lubis, Ubeidillah Badrun, M. Hatta Taliwang, Gus Aam Wahab, Ahmad Sarbini, Dr. Ridho Rahmadi , Dr. Robi Nurhadi, Dr. Agung Sapta Hadi, Meidi Juniarto, Donny Handricahyono, Ust. Asep Staripudin, Dr. M. Taufiq SH, Asyari Usman, Dr. Ramadhan Pohan, Akhmad Khozinuddin, Colonel. Sugeng Waras, Sutoyo Abadi, Syamsir Jalil, Djudju Purwanto, Gde Siriana, Andi Syahrandi, Radar Tri Baskoro, Saeful Zaman, Aziz Yanuar, H. Ekajaya, Kanjeng Senopati, Menuk Wulandari, Dr. Eva S. Diana Chaniago, Yusuf Blegur, Taufik Bahauddin , Beathor Suryadi, Habil Marati, Karina Joedo, Yasmin, Renny S. Affan, Ana Sofiana, Luciana Mulya, Umi Siti Marifah, Noor Alam, Yuritska Rizki Marsi, Julia W. Satari, Azzam Khan SH, etc.
Sources 2/ https://www.eramuslim.com/berita/forum-nasional-untuk-daulat-rakyat-tangkap-dan-adili-joko-widodo-makzulkan-gibran-fufufafa/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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