Teacher dies of rabies after bat invades classroom and bites – NBC Los Angeles
a California According to what the teacher said died of rabies After she was bitten by a bat she found in her classroom,
Fresno County has Confirmed One resident died from the disease after being bitten by a bat, but the identity of the victim was not disclosed.
A friend speaking on behalf of the family told the Fresno Bee The person who died was Leah Senen, 60, an artist and art teacher at Bryant Middle School in Dos Palos.
The victim contracted rabies in mid-October, visited a Fresno County emergency room last week, was admitted to the hospital on Nov. 18, and died on Nov. 22, according to Fresno County Health Department Deputy Director Joe Prado. That's what it means. public health, media briefing Tuesday, November 26th.
rabies The deadly viral disease, which is carried by saliva, is spread when infected animals bite or scratch people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Human rabies cases are extremely rare, with the last outbreak in Fresno County occurring in 1992, said Dr. Trinidad Solis, the department's deputy health officer.
Senen's friend Laura Sprott said Senen found a bat in his classroom and was bitten.
“I don't know if she thought it was dead or what, because it was lying around the classroom and she was trying to scoop it up and take it outside.” Sprock told KFSN.a local news station.
“She didn't want to harm it, but then she woke up or saw the light and swooped a little bit and took off.”
Rabies symptoms
The teacher was asymptomatic at first, but about a month later he became ill.
Because it can take four to eight weeks for symptoms to appear after a person is bitten, Solis said it's important to seek immediate treatment so patients can receive post-exposure vaccines as soon as possible. This gives your body time to produce antibodies and fight the virus.
Initial symptoms include flu-like weakness, malaise, fever, and headache. According to the CDC.
As the disease progresses, it causes brain dysfunction.
Warning signs include:
- anxiety
- insomnia
- confusion
- stirring
- delirium
- hallucination
- fear of water
- hypersalivation
- seizure
There is no treatment once symptoms develop, so most people die at that point, she added.
Sproch said Sennen was in a coma before his death.
“It was really shocking and pretty upsetting and scary to see her in that condition, with all the machines hooked up and everything hooked up,” Sprock told KFSN. Ta.
“She was a person who loved life. She spent a lot of time in the mountains where her mother lived. She loved exploring the world.”
Solis said rabies is transmitted through saliva and other body fluids, so family members of the victims have been vaccinated in case they become infected. The same goes for the hospital staff who treated the person. However, there is currently no evidence of human-to-human transmission, she added.
Although only one to three human rabies cases are reported each year in the United States, approximately 60,000 Americans receive post-exposure vaccination after being bitten or scratched by an animal, according to the CDC. .
In the United States, authorities say rabies primarily occurs in bats, raccoons, skunks and foxes.
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