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SHS Lockhart signs to play tennis at Delta State

SHS Lockhart signs to play tennis at Delta State


STARKVILLE The Jackets celebrated another college signing day on Tuesday as Starkville senior Dean Lockhart signed with Delta State University to continue his academic and athletic career.

Lockhart's decision was based in part on a coaching match, with Will Irvin serving as head coach. An alumnus of SHS tennis himself, Irvin previously served as the Golden Triangle Tennis League coordinator before becoming head coach at Northwest Mississippi Community College in 2021 and then at Delta State in 2023.

“I've always known him, I know it's a good environment there and I know the way he trains and I wanted to be a part of it,” Lockhart said of joining the Irvin program. I would say it's pretty important to know the coach, knowing he's not going to just let me walk free. As a player, discipline, especially in an individual sport, is very important. In terms of getting up and getting things done, having the work ethic to get it done, I know he's always been strong at that.

Lockhart's passion for the sport was fueled by hours of training with Irvin and Starkville tennis head coach Vanessa Shaffer, who joined Dean, his family and his teammates in celebrating Lockhart's achievement during a ceremony at the SHS library.

I want to recognize her dedication to the tennis community, said Lockhart's mother Cindy Lockhart. When Dean was four and five, he would spend the summer with her on the tennis courts, she would coach and give everything she had. I really appreciate her passion for tennis, she has stayed with us over the years and has really challenged Dean to set goals and excel every step of the way every year, not give up and keep going.

Lockhart went 3-1 at the Mississippi State closed championships in May and advanced to the round of 16.

With his college recruitment settled, Lockhart is focused on finishing strong his senior year. His offseason conditioning work now transitions to preparation for the Jackets' season opener against West Lauderdale in February.

“I am excited for my senior season,” he said. I've already seen friends in football and soccer and they love it. Practice is now with conditioning, I'm glad it's over with all the running, but I'm excited and going for the state championship as always. That's the goal.

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