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CNN Poll: Most Americans approve how Trump manages his return to the White House

CNN Poll: Most Americans approve how Trump manages his return to the White House



Most Americans expect the president elected Donald Trump to do a good job when he returned to the White House next month (54%) and a majority approves the way HES manages the presidential transition so far ( 55%), according to a new CNN survey led by SSRS.

Trump won the presidency last month in the middle of a large disapproval of President Joe Bidens managing work and deeply negative feelings about the country and the economy. Nearly 7 out of 10 Americans in the new poll think that Trump will be able to make a change in the country (68%), although only about half of Americans (48%) say they think it will be the change For the best.

The results suggest that the elected president obtained a honeymoon period with the public while he is preparing to return to the White House after being elected four years ago in the largely negative approval ratings. But the survey finds a positive feeling towards Trump often follows the level that has praised other recent recent presidents, even when it surpasses its own previous transition numbers.

The atmosphere of the country seems to have raised somewhat following the victory of Trumps, at least in part because of the type of partisan feelings of displacement often observed in the wake of the elections where the presidency changes its partisan hands. Most overall, say that things in the country go wrong (61%), but the part that says that things are going very badly at only 15%, the lowest in the CNN survey since May 2018. The 38% that say things in the country is well, has been the highest since December 2021.

This change did not come uniformly through the parties of the parties. Republicans have become more positive about the country's state after the elections: 30% say that things are going well now, against 14% at the beginning of 2024 and more than at any time during Bidens' mandate. Independents are also more optimistic in the direction of the country: 43% say that things are fine, 56%. This is the largest share of self-employed to say that it has been going well since January 2020, before the start of the COVVI-19 pandemic.

Among the Democrats, however, positive feelings are declining after the loss of their white house and control of the Senate in the November elections, with only 40% saying that it is fine now. It was down 62% at the beginning of 2024 and the worst since summer 2022, following a decision of the Supreme Court which canceled ROE v. Wade and upset the federal protections for abortion.

Among the global public, the prospects on the assets of the presidency of the presidency are almost the same as in November 2016 (53% expected it to do good work then), but the expectations that It will make a change for the best are higher (48% then say now, compared to 43% in November 2016). Actions saying that hell causes the worst (20% now against 21% in 2016) or not at all a change (31% now against 32% in 2016) are almost identical to their position eight years ago .

This change comes from the higher expectations of certain traditionally democratic groups, including Trump has obtained support in the last months. Almost half of women say they expect Trump to bring positive changes (46%), up 10 points compared to November 2016, while People of Color shares (37%, in increase of 11 points) and people under the age of 45 (44%, up 8 points) expect changes for the best also increased compared to 2016.

However, the emotional reactions of the Americans who look at a second term Trump are mixed. Overall, a little more people express a positive feeling (52%) than negative (48%), but the part which says it is afraid (29%) goes beyond the part that is enthusiastic (19%).

The majorities express at least at least a certain confidence in Trump in seven different areas and presidential actions tested in the survey. Its strongest brands occur on the economy (39%expressing a lot of self -confidence), immigration policy (39%) and war between Russia and Ukraine (37%). Just over a third (35%) have a profound confidence in its ability to provide real leadership in the country. About 3 out of 10 confidence in his management of foreign affairs (30%) or that he will use the chairman's powers in a responsible manner (29%). Only 26% say they have a lot of self -confidence to name the best people in the office.

The economy was a particularly strong point for Trump during the campaign, and it is one of the few areas of the survey where deep confidence in him exceeds the presidents. More Americans say they have a lot of confidence in Trumps' ability to manage the economy than those who said George W. Bush (29%), Bill Clinton (20%) or Ronald Reagan (26%) for their transitions.

Confidence in Trump to name the best people to his functions is in particular down compared to 2016 (26% now against 32% in 2016). On other measures with 2016 data, trust in Trump is largely the same.

In the new survey, only 56% of Republicans express deep confidence in Trump to name the best people in power, lower than on the other six elements tested in the survey, and 72% in 2016. The confidence of the self -employed is also faded, with only 18% expressing a lot of confidence in Trump on nominations, compared to 26% in 2016.

In all the parties of the parties, the public wants Trump to make appointments according to the qualifications for each role rather than on the desire to implement his favorite policies. Three -quarters of Americans (75%) say they prefer to prevail over people who have the best experience and the best qualifications for each role, even if they do not always support their positions, while 25% think That he should focus on those who will always support his positions, even if they do not have the best experience and the best qualifications for this role. This conclusion is largely consistent with all parties (78% of Republicans, 77% of Democrats and 71% of the self -employed say that it should prioritize qualifications on loyalty).

Questioned specifically on the Trumps nominations of Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy to direct a new effort on the effectiveness of the government, the public is divided almost uniformly: 49% approve, 50% disapprove of. The partisan division on the choice of these two wealthy technology leaders to try to reform the government is massive, 92% of the Republicans saying that they approve, while 88% of the Democrats disapprove of. The self -employed lean against the choice, with 45% approving and 54% disapproving.

Almost three -quarters of Americans say they are following news from the Trump transition at least somewhat closely, with only 7% saying that they do not follow at all. And most of them approve what they see. TRUMPS APPROVATION TRAINING THE TRANSITION is significantly higher than in 2016 (55% now against 46% in 2016), while disapproval was stable at 45%.

The approval of the preseition is still lagging against brands for other presidents before their first mandates. Barack Obama led the pack at 79% in CNNS read for the first time on its transitional approval rating in December 2008, while Biden at 66%, Bush at 65% and Clinton at 62% all received figures higher approval than Trump.

Here too, Trump has improved his 2016 figures with certain groups which largely tilted against him during his first mandate: 52% of women and 51% of people under 35 now approve of his transition management; These figures were 39% and 42% respectively in 2016. A majority of people of color disapprove (56%), less negative than the 63% who disapproved in 2016. Approval is also up between parties, With notations of approval from Republicans (96% now) and Democrats (19%) each increasing 7 points. The self-employed divided 50-50 on the treatment of transition trumps now, in 2016, they divided 44% to approve at 43% to disapprove, 13% uncertain.

The public is less accepting, however, of Bidens' decision before Trump took up his duties to forgive his son Hunter Biden, who was sentenced earlier this year of federal crimes of firearms and tax. Overall, 68% say they disapprove of forgiveness and 32% approve. Democrats are narrowly leaning on the approval of forgiveness, 56% approve and 43% disapprove of, while the Republicans (89% disapprove of) and the self -employed (70% disapprove) are largely negative on this subject.

Trumps elections also prompted the Jack Smith Special Council to abandon the federal criminal charges that were pending against Trump, as the Ministry of Justice is forbidden to continue the presidents in place. Most Americans (54%) say they disapprove of this decision, while 45% say they approve. There is a large partisan gap here: 90% of Republicans approve and 87% of Democrats disapprove of. The self -employed break 36% approve at 64% to disapprove.

The CNN survey was carried out by SSR from December 5 to 8 among a random national sample of 1,011 adults drawn from a panel based on probabilities. The surveys were carried out online or by phone with a live interviewer. The results among the complete sample have a sampling margin of more or less 3.8 percentage points.

CNNS Edward Wu, Ariel Edwards-Levy and Henry Gertmenian contributed to this report.




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