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Ethiopia and Somalia reach compromise to end rivalry, Turkey says DW 11/12/2024

Ethiopia and Somalia reach compromise to end rivalry, Turkey says DW 11/12/2024


Ethiopian and Somali leaders reached an agreement to end a bitter, nearly year-long conflict after hours of talks Wednesday in the Turkish capital Ankara.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud arrived in Ankara on Wednesday after the previous two rounds of negotiations, brokered by Turkey, having made little progress.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the agreement a “historic agreement,” adding that he hoped the agreement would be “the first step towards a new beginning based on peace and cooperation between Somalia and Ethiopia.”

What was the quarrel about?

The two East African neighbors have been at odds since landlocked Ethiopia reached a deal in January with Somalia's breakaway region of Somaliland.

They agreed to lease part of the coastline for a port and military base in exchange for recognition, although this was never confirmed by Addis Ababa.

The move sparked both a diplomatic and military row between Ethiopia and Somalia, with the latter claiming the alleged deal was a violation of its sovereignty. The escalation of tensions has sparked concern among the international community about the risk of a resumption of conflict in the Horn of Africa region.

What the leaders said

According to the agreement released by Turkey, the two sides agreed to work closely on trade arrangements and bilateral agreements that would ensure “reliable, secure and sustainable access” to Ethiopia's sea “under the authority sovereign of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

Somali Foreign Minister Ahmed Moalim Fiqi (left), Turkish Minister Hakan Fidan (center) and Ethiopia Foreign Minister Taye Atske Selassie Amde (right) sit on chairs and watch the camera.
Turkey has already hosted unsuccessful talks in a bid to break the deadlock (FILE: August 13, 2024)Image: Arda Kucukkaya/Anadolu/photo alliance

To do this, technical negotiations between the two countries would begin no later than the end of February 2025, conclude within four months and could use Turkey's help to resolve any disagreements.

Speaking at a news conference following the deal, Ethiopia's Abiy said: “We have resolved the misunderstandings that occurred over the past year.”

“Ethiopia's desire for secure access to the sea is a peaceful endeavor that will benefit our neighbors. It is an endeavor that must be viewed in a spirit of cooperation, not suspicion.”

He added that the “constructive talks” would allow the two nations “to approach the new year in a spirit of cooperation, friendship and a desire to work together rather than against each other.”

The Somali leader also commented on the agreement, saying it had “put an end to their differences” and that his nation was “ready to work with the Ethiopian leaders and the Ethiopian people.”

Erdogan sounded an equally positive note, following discussions that reportedly lasted eight hours.

“I believe that with the meeting we had today, especially with Ethiopia's demands regarding access to the sea, my brother Sheikh Mohamud will provide the necessary support to access the sea,” he said. he declared.

km/rmt (AFP, Reuters)




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