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The public has until Monday to evaluate additions to Humboldt County's response plan

The public has until Monday to evaluate additions to Humboldt County's response plan


The public comment period ends Monday for additions to the county's emergency operations plan that outlines disaster recovery efforts. The province was hit by an earthquake last week.

After the 2022 Rio del earthquake caused chaos across the region, the province began creating a document formally outlining disaster recovery strategies. On Tuesday, the document was unveiled at a Humboldt County Board of Supervisors meeting.

The Humboldt County Recovery Supplement details short-, medium- and long-term disaster recovery resources, initiatives and capabilities the county can pursue in the event of a major disaster such as a devastating earthquake. Last Thursday, the 7.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami warning startled many. After five days, only 13 damage reports had been filed, most of which reported minor damage such as devices falling off shelves.

“One important lesson we learned from the 2022 earthquake was the need to prioritize recovery early in the response. Often, recovery comes after the fact, but if we wait to implement recovery programs until after the immediate response has concluded, we are already behind the ball. “So we used the practice we implemented in 2022 to essentially create a new incident control system,” said Ryan Derby, director of the Humboldt County Office of Emergency Services.

The full 100-plus page recall supplement can be viewed online and is currently subject to a 30-day public comment period, which will close on December 16.

The plan identifies eight “lifelines” of community necessities such as public safety, food, water, shelter and medical assistance that the county would be tasked with helping provide if a disaster — as the 2022 earthquake did — displaces people and destroys local infrastructure.

Arguably the most important part of the document details possible financing avenues. Humboldt County almost certainly cannot afford disaster relief on its own, especially in light of the more than $10 million deficit currently weighing on county coffers. The city of Rio Del, the epicenter of the 2022 earthquake, needed $12.9 million from the state to rebuild its water system after it was destroyed by the disaster.

The 2022 earthquake did not necessitate FEMA assistance because the financial toll of damage fell short of the agency's limits largely because the dozens of destroyed homes were relatively cheap.

“It's easy to get a state declaration, it's easy to get a local declaration, so to speak, as long as we have damage assessments, but to get a federal declaration, the damages are hundreds of millions of dollars. And so, you know, a hurricane? No problem, it's probably going to You get that every time. An earthquake in Los Angeles? No problem, but an earthquake here? “Not often,” said Humboldt County Sheriff William Honsal.

Honsal added that the province had leftover coronavirus relief funds to spend on disaster recovery after the 2022 earthquake, but now those dollars have all been spent.

The Recovery Supplement clearly explains when and how a county can use disaster relief funding, ideally saving staff time that would otherwise be spent researching where the county might go for funds.

The council voted unanimously to accept the report on the annex.

Jackson Guilfoil can be reached at 707-441-0506.




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