Study reveals rapid increase in early-onset colorectal cancer worldwide
A new study led by researchers at the American Cancer Society (ACS) finds that the incidence of early-onset colorectal cancer (CRC) is increasing in 27 out of 50 countries and territories around the world; It was shown that the increase in incident disease was increasing exclusively or more rapidly. In 14 countries, including the United States, the incidence among young adults is increasing, while the incidence among people over 50 years of age has remained stable. The study is published today in the journal Lancet Oncology.
The rise in early-onset colorectal cancer is a global phenomenon. Previous studies showed this increase primarily in high-income Western countries, but it is now being recorded in a variety of economies and regions around the world. ”
Dr. Hyuna Song, American Cancer Society Cancer Surveillance Research Senior Principal Investigator, first author of the study
The main objective of the study was to investigate contemporary colorectal cancer incidence trends in younger and older adults using data from 50 countries/territories up to 2017. The data was compiled using: Cancer incidence on five continents plus We then examined trends in age-standardized colorectal cancer incidence over the period 1943 to 2017. Temporal trends were visualized and quantified by age at diagnosis (25–49 years and 50–74 years). The average annual percentage change (AAPC) was estimated for the past 10 years of data.
Over the past decade, the incidence of young-onset colorectal cancer (25-49 years) remained stable in 23 countries, but increased in 27 countries, with the highest annual increase in New Zealand ( 4.0%), Chile (4.0%), and Puerto. Rico (3.8%). In 14 out of 27 countries/territories, the proportion of older people is stable (Puerto Rico, Argentina, Norway, France, Ireland) or decreasing (Israel, Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Scotland, Slovenia, Australia, and New Zealand). . In Chile, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Ecuador, Thailand, Sweden, Israel and Croatia, early-onset colorectal cancer increased faster in men than in women, but in the United Kingdom, Norway, Australia, Turkiye, Costa Rica and Scotland. In the remaining 13 countries where both age groups are increasing, the annual growth rate for young people is larger in Chile, Japan, Sweden, the Netherlands, Croatia, and Finland compared to older people, and smaller in Thailand, Martinique, Denmark, and Costa Rica. Ta. , Turkiye in Ecuador, and Belarus as well. Over the past five years, the highest rates of early-onset colorectal cancer were in Australia, Puerto Rico, New Zealand, the United States, and South Korea (14 to 17 per 100,000 people), and the lowest in Uganda and India (4 per 100,000 people). people). ).
“The global scope of this worrying trend highlights the need for innovative tools to prevent and manage cancers associated with diet, physical inactivity, and excess weight. Continued efforts are essential to identify further underlying factors and develop effective prevention strategies,” tailored to young people and local resources around the world,” Sung added. I did. “Trends and characteristic symptoms of early-onset colorectal cancer (rectal bleeding, abdominal painchanges in bowel habits, unexplained weight loss, etc. that occur among young people and primary care providers can help reduce delays in diagnosis and reduce mortality. ”
“This flagship study reveals that the increasing incidence of early-onset colorectal cancer, affecting adults aged 25 to 49, is a global problem. “This is the first time we've shown that rates in the United States are rising more rapidly than in many other countries around the world,” said Michelle Mitchell, chief executive of Cancer Research UK. “A cancer diagnosis at any age has a significant impact on patients and their families. It is therefore important to note that the incidence rate among young adults remains very low compared to those over 50. Importantly, we need to understand the causes of this trend in young people.Global Cancer Foundation has been awarded £20m to uncover the causes of bowel cancer in young adults and strategies to prevent it. Further research is needed, such as the Grand Challenge Team, Team PROSPECT.
Other ACS researchers contributing to this study include Rebecca Siegel, Chenxi Jiang, and lead author Dr. Ahmedin Jemal. Ying Cao, an associate professor of surgery and medicine at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and a research member at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and the Siteman Cancer Center, based at Washington University School of Medicine, is a contributing author.
Reference magazines:
Song, H. and others. (2024) Colorectal cancer incidence trends in younger and older adults: analysis of population-based cancer registry data.. lancet oncology.
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