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Sunset anxiety is real. We'll show you what it is and how to overcome your fear of dusk. health

Sunset anxiety is real. We'll show you what it is and how to overcome your fear of dusk. health


As the sun sinks below the horizon and the end of the day approaches, we realize the end of the day and many inspirations arise. As the vestiges of sunlight begin to fade, a quiet space spreads out. anxiety This is also known as sunset anxiety.

Sunset anxiety is the feeling of anxiety as the day ends. (Shutterstock)
Sunset anxiety is the feeling of anxiety as the day ends. (Shutterstock)

Dr Rajiv Mehta, deputy director of psychiatry at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, explained this anxious feeling that occurs at the end of the day in an interview with HT.

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Understanding sunset anxiety

Sunset has a sense of meditation. (Shutterstock)
Sunset has a sense of meditation. (Shutterstock)

Dr. Mehta explained, “Sunset anxiety is formed from the two words anxiety and sunset and means that anxiety occurs or increases during the evening.” He elaborated that it is largely determined by office hours, adding, “Currently, success is measured by productivity in terms of financial status and personal power, both in society and individually. To achieve this, we have to work around the clock.Currently, we have two sets of employees, one working the morning shift and the other working the night shift.”

Dr. Mehta adds, “Some morning professionals may feel anxious by the evening (sunset); they may not be productive enough to meet their goals for the day, and they may feel like they're about to start work again. On the other hand, some workaholics think that the rest of the day is not productive and the rest of the time after work is over. Some people don't know how to spend their time, and that creates anxiety.

He also pointed out that night shift workers feel anxious around sunset. This is because this is the time they have to go to work. work. Thinking about peak crowds and office environments often causes panic. Dr Mehta said sunset can be anxiety-provoking for people who stay at home, and for them it means another day goes by without accomplishing anything exciting. Besides this, natural light disappears as the sun sets. Dr. Mehta highlighted how light is related to mood and anxiety, and that reduced light is known to darken mood and cause anxiety.

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How to deal with it

Dr. Rajiv Mehta emphasized that prevention lies in maintaining good health. work life balance. He suggested that it's important to be grounded in reality and understand your own limits when it comes to productivity. It's also equally important to accept that while work is important, it shouldn't overshadow other aspects of life. Because this balance is very helpful. It prevents sundown anxiety and makes your day feel more fulfilling.

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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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