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The TTReignac concludes the 1st phase in style – Medialot

The TTReignac concludes the 1st phase in style – Medialot


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This Saturday, December 14, 2024, the atmosphere was electric in the Halle des Sports in Espre for the conclusion of the first phase of the table tennis championship. A look back with Maxime Grenier on the performance of the TTReignac teams in the various divisions.

> Regional 2 (R2) A defeat with a touch of exploit!

TTReignac narrowly lost 8-6 to Ping Saint Paulais 2, a very friendly club from the Tarn. Our coach was imperial and won his three singles matches. Vincent and Julien each have a victory under their belt. The team finished in 4th place in the championship, ensuring continued success. An exceptional phase for our 4 players who wore the colors of TTReignac.

> Departmental 1 (D1) Clear victories!

team 2: Big win 13-1 against Cahors 2. Maxime, Jrme and Tomtom all win their singles. This victory consolidates the leading position and validates promotion to Regional 4 (R4) for Stage 2.

team 3: Success 10 4 against Salviac 2. The team finished 2nd in the championship, confirming a very good run. note the remarkable feat of Nico getting 2 perfs.

> Departmental 2 (D2) Combativeness and exploits!

team 4: Trek 7 7 Bduer, in the small Faycelles room. Tilian, man of the match, wins his 3 singles. Hugo and Lucas each bring a victory, enough to bring back the point of the draw. The team finishes first in the championship and advances to division 1 (D1)! Bravo to our young talents!

team 5: Victory 7 3 on the land of Souillagaise. Achille puts in a great performance and wins his 3 singles. Corentin and Thierry complete the performance with 2 victories each. The team finished 5th and remained in D2.

> Departmental 1 (D1)! Bravo to our young talents!

team 5: Victory 7 3 on the land of Souillagaise. Achille puts in a great performance and wins his 3 singles. Corentin and Thierry complete the performance with 2 victories each. The team finished 5th and remained in D2.

> Departmental 3 (D3) Youth shine!

team 6: Bretenoux equal, but the team retains its leading position. Valerie puts in 2 masterful performances, Ambroise too, and doubles partner Enzo seals the score. The team finishes first and moves on to division 2 (D2)!

team 7: Victory by forfeit against Martel Cressensac 2, guaranteeing a peaceful end to the phase.

> Departmental 4 (D4) Perseverance and rewards!

team 8: Win 6 4 against Souillac 2. This is the team's second win this season, putting it in 5th place in the championship. Matt achieves an impeccable performance with 3 wins and wins the doubles associated with Stphane, who adds 2 singles wins to his record.

team 9: Big win 8 2 against Payrac 2, a very friendly team accompanied by their supporters. This performance allowed the team to finish second in the championship. A wonderful reward for these new competitors!

> Assessment phase 1

3 climbs (D1->R4 team 2, D2->D1 team 4, D3->D2 team 6)

6 handles

An exemplary collective performance for the club!

The evening ended in conviviality around a good shared meal. Phase 1 leaves room for great expectations for the future.

> Next meetings

General meeting and end-of-year meal: Tuesday, December 17, 2024.

> Contact: [email protected] 07 86 00 53 85.




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