Thousands gather in Peshawar to protest alleged killings during pro-Imran Khan protests in recent months
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is considering increasing olive cultivation to boost its agricultural growth, its national food security minister said this week, adding that this could position the country as a major player in the global olive market. olive oil.
According to the Journal of Agriculture and Food Research in June 2024, Pakistan has 80 million wild olive trees and 5 million planted olive trees. Olives are important for their dietary and nutritional benefits. Large-scale olive cultivation in Pakistan will help meet the local demand for edible oil in the country.
In 2022, Pakistan became the 19th member of the International Olive Council, the world's only intergovernmental organization that brings together producers and consumers of olive oil and table olives. Pakistan exported virgin and extra virgin olive oil worth 1.9 million in 2022.
The South Asian country, facing an economic crisis, is turning to agriculture as a driver of economic growth, with ambitious plans to improve cultivation, modernize processing and increase exports.
Speaking at an event in Islamabad to promote olive cultivation on a commercial scale, Pakistan's Minister for National Food Security Rana Tanveer Hussain said it would not only increase the gross domestic product , but would also create jobs in rural areas.
We will bring an increase in culture. We will definitely put this industry into processing and packaging, he said Friday. And God willing, that day will not be far away when our olive oil will become popular in other countries. Because its content, to my knowledge, is very good.
Jars of olive pickles are displayed at a stall during the Grand National Olive Gala 2024 in Islamabad, Pakistan, December 13, 2024. (A photo)
Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan's economy and accounts for almost half of the workforce employed in the country, according to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS).
In recent years, no sector has contributed to economic growth like agriculture, which accounted for 6.5 percent of GDP, Hussain said, highlighting the critical role of agriculture in the country's economy.
Pakistan's financial and private sectors are also mobilizing to support this dynamic.
Muhammad Shoaib Qaisrani, vice-chairman of the National Bank of Pakistan, said substantial investments were being made in the agricultural sector to boost production.
We have spent 368 billion rupees ($1.33 billion) on agriculture, he shared. With the addition of olives, we plan to inject up to an additional 40 billion rupees ($144.4 million) to further support this sector.
A customer checks a bottle of olive oil during the Grand National Olive Gala 2024 in Islamabad, Pakistan, December 13, 2024. (A photo)
The private sector is harnessing the potential of olives, with entrepreneurs and women playing a transformative role in the country's olive industry. Women-led initiatives, particularly in rural areas, are thriving, with many women involved in the production of olive products like soaps, cosmetics and pickles.
Aiza Imran, brand manager at Loralai Olives which grows and processes olives, expressed optimism about Pakistan's position in the olive oil market.
When we think of olive oil, we think of Italy or Spain. “That’s what we’re trying to do with Pakistan, and Loralai in particular, because it’s known for having the best quality oil in the region,” she said.
Attendees attend the Grand National Olive Gala 2024 in Islamabad, Pakistan on December 13, 2024. (A photo)
These companies not only empower women economically, but also contribute to local value addition, driving innovation and inclusion in the industry, according to Alamgir Khan, head of Khazana Support Organization, an entity based in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa which aims to strengthen the capacities of women. women.
Entrepreneurs are leveraging modern techniques and creative marketing to expand the industry's reach, foster job creation and promote Pakistani olive oil as a high-quality product in global markets. Collaborative efforts are reshaping the discourse around entrepreneurship and gender roles in agriculture.
We have soaps, cosmetics, pickles. We have formed a group of females and they are making these products, Khan told Arab News. They displayed their work, showing how olives contribute to various industries.
Olives are also known for their vast health benefits.
From a nutritional, skin cosmetic, healthy lifestyle, longevity and anti-aging point of view, olives are the best, said Dr. Daud Qazi, president of the World Association for Regenerative Medicine, while emphasizing their versatility.
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