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Experts debunk 6 common myths about holiday health

Experts debunk 6 common myths about holiday health


People sitting around a table enjoying a holiday meal together.Share on Pinterest
From skipping meals and exercise to consuming too much unhealthy food and drink, experts weigh in on six of the most common health myths that spread around the holidays. Ascent X Media/Getty Images
  • Holidays can lead to excessive time, which can have a negative impact on health.
  • It's possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle while on vacation.
  • Experts debunk six common health myths about holiday habits.

Party, outing, dinner, brunch, lunch. The holiday season is full of fun, but trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle while participating in the festivities can also be stressful.

“The holidays are such a wonderful and special time of year, but we also know that this season can be a very confusing and stressful time. They tend to make fewer choices and spend less time doing physical activity.” Dr. Daniel HermanA cardiologist at Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston told Healthline.

2023 investigation According to a survey by the American Heart Association, vacations are more stressful than taxes, with more than three-quarters of those surveyed agreeing that they neglect their health needs while on vacation.

“[It] Considering the abundance of high-calorie, high-salt, and high-fat foods and increased alcohol intake at social gatherings, it's important to maintain heart health during the holidays. It's very difficult. ” Dr. Lakshmi MehtaA non-invasive cardiologist at Ohio State University Wexner Medical told Healthline. “Also, when schedules and travel are relaxed, exercise habits are disrupted.”

Add in the pressure of social gatherings and gifts, and health becomes the last thing you prioritize.

To help you make healthy choices, experts debunk the most common myths about eating healthy and staying stress-free during the holidays.

Although the season can feel fast-paced and hectic, it's possible to take a few minutes to relax and recharge.

First, prioritize sleep and aim for 7 to 9 hours. Second, continue to practice relaxing activities such as daily walks, reading, and watching movies.

“Practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, yoga, and meditation can also be helpful,” says Mehta. “And just as importantly, set boundaries without saying yes to everything and make realistic plans for what you can truly accomplish without getting overwhelmed.”

It's tempting to skip meals to “save calories” for later, but opinions vary on the benefits of doing so.

some the study While it has been shown that skipping meals can have a positive impact on blood sugar levels and bad cholesterol, there is also evidence that skipping meals can make you feel hungrier and lead to overeating.

one study They found that skipping meals increases the risk of death.

In general, Herman says it's best to follow a heart-healthy diet and lifestyle that you can get into and maintain. “Fashion diets generally don't last long.”

Eating too much sodium increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart failure, enlarged heart and heart attack, Mehta said.

Sodium is ubiquitous in the American diet, but too much can cause fluid retention, raise blood pressure and stress the heart and other vital organs, Herman said.

According to the American Heart Association, the top 10 food sources of sodium in the U.S. diet are:

  • bread/rolls
  • pizza
  • sandwich
  • cold cuts, ranch, cured meats
  • soup
  • burritos/tacos
  • Snacks such as chips, crackers, pretzels, popcorn, and snack mixes
  • poultry
  • cheese
  • Egg dishes/omelets

In addition to limiting the foods listed above and keeping a salt shaker, try eating fresh fruits and vegetables and reading labels for sodium content.

Finding time to exercise on your days off can be difficult. In fact, almost 45% of people reported They are taking a break from exercise, with more than half reporting feeling tired and having less time for themselves.

“Exercise can help you forget about food and offset some of the excess calories you consumed during the holidays…and it can also help reduce stress,” says Mehta.

Try to maintain the same exercise schedule throughout the year, but be flexible and get creative if holiday events throw you off track. Consider walking to the restaurant or friend's house hosting the party, or suggest a group bike ride instead of a holiday brunch.

While exercise is good for your heart, it can't completely offset an unhealthy diet, Mehta points out.

Alcohol sales are at their highest in December. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Monthly retail sales survey Alcohol sales in December 2022 were 37% higher than the average for the other 11 months of the year.

Alcohol is abundant on holidays, so you can easily enjoy it. Herman said alcohol, in small or moderate amounts, theoretically has some cardiovascular benefits. However, be aware that alcoholic beverages are high in calories, sugar, and salt.

moreover, world health organization issued a statement in 2022 stating that there is no safe amount of alcohol consumption that does not affect health.

“[In] It is clearly toxic if taken in excess. “It's associated with heart disease, high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy and obesity,” he says.

If you don't plan on avoiding alcohol completely, try limit consumption Have one glass at a party, then switch to sparkling water or a low-calorie non-alcoholic drink.

Sleep is the most underrated aspect of health, Herman said, because during sleep the body resets and repairs itself. Not getting enough quality sleep on a regular basis increase risk of disease heart disease, stroke, obesity, dementia, etc.

“Not getting enough sleep increases stress levels and affects decision-making ability, making it difficult for people to make healthy lifestyle choices,” Mehta says. “Long-term sleep deprivation can lead to heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure, significant weight gain, and diabetes.”

To get more sleep, the National Institutes of Health recommends:

  • Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day.
  • Exercise every day, but don't do it too close to bedtime.
  • Get at least 30 minutes of natural light each day.
  • Reduce nicotine and caffeine.
  • Limit naps to short periods and avoid them after the afternoon.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol or eating large meals before bed, as this can interfere with deep, restorative sleep.
  • Instead of using screens before bed, relax by reading a book or listening to calming music.
  • Keep your bedroom cool, quiet, and dark.
  • If you can't fall asleep after 20 minutes in bed, try staying up and doing relaxing activities until you feel sleepy.




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