Tennis pioneer Esna Boyd is inducted into the Australian Hall of Fame
She was a pioneer in women's tennis, winning eight Australian championship titles and is about to be inducted into Tennis Australia's Hall of Fame.
But so little is known about Esna Boyd that Tennis Australia has launched an international appeal to her descendants for information about the mystery champion.
From 1922 to 1928, Boyd competed in national and international competitions alongside players such as Daphne Akhurst and Margaret Molesworth.
“She is part of a group of talented and quite charismatic players,” said tennis author Michael Sexton.
“Most women involved in cricket at that time made afternoon tea, while women played tennis.”
Australian tennis underwent a transformation in the early 1920s when it became more formalized, including allowing women into tournament draws.
The result was the first ever national title in 1922, the Australian Championship, Mr Sexton said.
Championship winner
Boyd played in seven consecutive finals, including the Australian debut tournament, and won a total of eight titles.
With victories in four women's doubles and three mixed doubles, a career highlight was her singles victory in 1927.
“Sylvia Harper took the first set from her, she dropped the first set all week, and that must have put her off to action because then she won the second two sets,” Mr Sexton said.
“She chased her off the field.”
Boyd also competed for Australia's international women's team in both 1925 and 1928, reaching the women's doubles quarter-finals at Wimbledon in the latter.
“She's definitely a forehand player,” Mr. Sexton said.
“When the ball was hit to her forehand side, I was like, 'Kaboom.'”
Following Boyd's success on the Australian and international courts, little is known about her life after she retired from competing in the championships.
She married a Scottish man, Angus Robertson, and moved to the United Kingdom in 1929, where she changed her surname.
“There is certainly a Robertson competing at Wimbledon in 1934,” Sexton said.
“Then she won the Scottish Hard Court Championships, I think, seven times.”
Mr Sexton believes her last competition in Scotland was the 1939 final, meaning she had competed and won as a schoolgirl for at least 20 years from 1918 onwards.
'Pioneering spirit'
A century after her matches, the Australian Tennis Hall of Fame welcomes Boyd, cementing her place among the greats.
“Esna's story, both on and off the court, reflects the pioneering spirit of early Australian tennis,” said Craig Tiley, tournament director of the Australian Open and CEO of Tennis Australia.
“Esna Boyd was a pioneer of Australian tennis, whose incredible record of reaching seven consecutive Australian Championship singles finals from 1922 to 1928 set a standard of excellence and resilience.”
With little known about Boyd, the Australian Tennis Hall of Fame has issued an appeal for information ahead of a celebration at Rod Laver Arena during the Australian Open in January.
“We are reaching out to the public to find Esna's descendants, most likely in Scotland, where she lived after she married, so they can help us share her story with the world,” Tiley said.
It is understood that Boyd died in the 1960s.
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