Return of Velosos: a victory for justice
Dear editor,
As December arrives with its cool breezes, twinkling lights and the familiar sounds of Christmas carols, there is a distinct sense of hope in the air. While the holiday season brings its usual joys, it also reminds us of the year's challenges and moments of triumph.
This year, one of those moments is Mary Jane Veloso’s return to the Philippines. After 14 long years of suffering and separation, her repatriation is not only a personal victory for her and her family, but a testimony to the resilience of the Filipino spirit and the determination of our government to defend its citizens.
Five years after her arrest, Veloso was scheduled to be executed by firing squad. However, his life was spared when former Indonesian President Joko Widodo granted a reprieve following a last-minute appeal from former Philippine President Benigno Aquino III.
When I first learned that Veloso was coming home, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of happiness and relief. Although I don't know her personally, her case touched the hearts of many Filipinos, including me.
She was arrested in 2010 on drug trafficking charges in Indonesia after a suitcase containing 2.6 kilograms of heroin was found. Although the details of her case remain controversial, Veloso has always maintained her innocence, insisting that she was a victim of human trafficking and was unaware of the drugs hidden in her bag.
Whatever the details, I believe her story has always been one of injustice, a tragic example of how vulnerable people can become victims of circumstances beyond their control.
The news of Veloso's imminent return, however, is more than just a relief to his family; it is a reminder that justice and compassion are not entirely lost in our world today. What stands out most in this story, to me, is the decisive leadership of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and the tireless efforts of the Philippine government to ensure his repatriation.
At a time when it often feels like the news is filled with negativity and division, this is a beacon of hope, a moment where the government acted quickly and effectively to bring one of our own home him.
Marcos' commitment to ensuring the return of Velosos demonstrates his commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of Filipinos abroad. His actions reflect the seriousness with which his administration has approached the issue of migrant workers, particularly those in distress.
Veloso's speedy repatriation isn't just about bringing her back to the Philippines; it is to reinforce the message that the Philippine government will stand with its citizens in their darkest hour, wherever they are in the world.
It is easy to forget, in the midst of the holiday rush, that there are mothers, fathers and children who are separated from their loved ones due to circumstances beyond their control. Velosos' repatriation is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of family, justice and the role of government in ensuring that no Filipino is left behind.
For Veloso, returning to the Philippines means finally being reunited with his family after years of hardship. Her two children, who grew up without their mother's presence, will now have the chance to welcome her back, just in time for Christmas.
This holiday season, the news of Mary Jane Velosos' return fills me with hope. It reminds us that, even in the face of adversity, justice can prevail. As we celebrate Christmas with our loved ones, let's take a moment to remember
Sources 2/ https://tribune.net.ph/2024/12/17/velosos-return-a-victory-for-justice The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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