UK proposes to allow tech companies to use copyrighted works to train AI | Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Campaigners to protect creators' rights have criticized the UK government's proposals to allow artificial intelligence companies to train algorithms on their own works under a new copyright exemption.
Book publishers said on Tuesday the proposals submitted for consultation were fully untested and had no evidence, and fellow colleague Beeban Kidron, who campaigns to protect the rights of artists and creators, said he was very disappointed.
Under the proposal, tech companies would be free to use copyrighted materials to train artificial intelligence models, as long as creative professionals and companies don't opt out of the process.
These changes are intended to resolve the conflict between AI companies and creatives. Sir Paul McCartney warned the technology could be replaced without new laws, while the government warned legal uncertainty was hindering investment in and adoption of AI technology.
On Tuesday, the news media organization said such a system would allow generative AI companies to avoid liability. Kidron said: The government is consulting on delivering on the creativity and livelihoods of the UK's creative sector, which is worth $126 billion a year.
Tech UK, which represents technology companies, is holding a consultation proposing an exception to UK laws banning using someone's work without permission to allow companies such as Google and ChatGPT developer OpenAI to train models on copyrighted content. Welcome.
However, authors, artists and composers may also reserve the right to declare that they do not want their works to be used in AI training courses. The government has said greater transparency is needed about what materials AI developers use to train their models, how they are obtained and what content is subsequently created, and that it may enact legislation on this.
Data Protection Minister Chris Bryant MP said the proposals were a win for both sides who had been fighting over a new copyright regime.
This gives creators and rights holders greater control in difficult and complex situations, which we say will lead to more content being licensed, which could potentially lead to new revenue streams for creators.
Campaigners for creators worry that mechanisms to reserve, license and pay for the use of their work in AI education will probably expose small and medium-sized creators and benefit only the largest rights holders.
Dan Conway, CEO of the Publishers Association, said: “There is no objective case for a new copyright exception, and there is no watertight rights retention process in place anywhere in the world.”
He said it was important to provide commercially appropriate incentives for the content ecosystem, including publishers, to invest in high-value content and to ensure that rights holders retain fundamental control over how and when their works are used.
Owen Meredith, chief executive of the News Media Association, said: News publishers deserve to have control over how and when their content is used and, above all, to be compensated fairly for the use of their content. You deserve it. Instead of proposing unworkable systems such as reservation of rights (or exclusion) regimes, governments should focus on implementing transparency requirements within existing copyright frameworks.
British composer Ed Newton-Rex, a key figure in the creative professionals' fair trade campaign, told the Guardian in October that the opt-out approach was completely unfair to creators. Newton-Rex produced a statement signed by more than 37,000 creative professionals, including Radiohead singer Thom Yorke and actress Julianne Moore. This means that the unlicensed use of creative works for AI model training poses a serious and unreasonable threat to the creator's livelihood.
Whether the new regime will apply to models already deployed in the market, such as those deployed on ChatGPT and Google Gemini, is also a matter on which the government seeks comment.
The consultation will seek views on whether American-style personality rights are needed to prevent celebrities from having their voices or likenesses copied by AI. Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson clashed with OpenAI last year when it introduced a voice assistant that closely resembled her unique speech. OpenAI paused the feature after users noted the similarity to Johansson's voice.
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