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When does Trump take office? Everything you need to know about the inauguration

When does Trump take office? Everything you need to know about the inauguration


WASHINGTON President-elect Donald Trump will be sworn in for the second time in January. Here's what you need to know about his return to the White House.

When does Trump take office?

As provided by the Constitution, presidential terms begin and end on January 20 at noon. In years when this date falls on a Sunday, public ceremonies have been postponed to the following day.

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In 2025, the date falls on a Monday which is also the holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

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Trump will raise his hand to take the oath of office during a ceremony on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol. Vice President-elect JD Vance will also take the oath of office.

Trump will deliver a speech outlining his vision for the next four years.

At his inauguration in 2017, Trump pledged to end America's carnage of inner-city poverty, abandoned factories, widespread crime and a failing education system.

What oath does the president take?

The Constitution sets forth the precise wording of the oath required of presidents: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and that to the best of my ability I will preserve, protect, and defend. the Constitution of the United States.

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Chief Justice John Roberts stumbled while administering the oath of office to President Barack Obama at his 2009 inauguration, prompting Obama to mix up the words slightly. This error raised questions about the legitimacy of the oath-taking.

To remove any doubt, the couple quickly staged a makeover in which they nailed their lines.

Where can I watch Trump's inauguration?

The ceremony and the parade that follows will be widely broadcast on terrestrial and cable networks. Live streams will be available online. Amazon has committed $1 million to Trump's inauguration fund and plans to stream the event on its Prime Video platform, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Who will attend the ceremony?

Members of Congress, former presidents and other prominent political figures can be expected to surround Trump at the ceremony. A growing number of congressional Democrats are considering skipping the ceremony.

Trump invited other world leaders to attend the proceedings, including Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The relationship between the United States and China will have a significant impact on Trump's second term as the two countries confront trade and national security conflicts.

Xi is not expected to accept Trump's offer, but he could send an envoy in his place.

Trump did not attend Biden's 2021 inauguration.

What if I want to be there in person?

A limited number of free tickets to areas closest to the Capitol are being distributed through congressional offices. Many lawmakers use some form of lottery system to determine who will receive these tickets. Members of the public without a ticket may congregate on the National Mall outside of the ticketed area.

Who pays for this?

The taxpayer-funded Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies is responsible for the swearing-in ceremony and subsequent luncheon at the Capitol. Other events are managed by the president-elect's inaugural committee, which can accept unlimited donations from businesses.

Besides Amazon, other tech companies such as Meta have indicated they are making significant donations to the committee.

How soon will the Trump cabinet be in place?

The Senate, which will soon be under Republican control, is responsible for confirming Trump's nominees. His picks are already meeting with key senators and formal confirmation hearings can begin as soon as the new Congress is sworn in on January 3.

The Senate is expected to begin voting on the highest priority positions, such as secretaries of state and defense, as early as the afternoon of Jan. 20, after Trump is sworn in.




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