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Imran Khan's party temporarily calls off civil disobedience movement in Pakistan

Imran Khan's party temporarily calls off civil disobedience movement in Pakistan


KARACHI: Nestled in the heart of Karachi, the commercial capital of Pakistan, the State Bank (SBP) Museum and Art Gallery bears witness to the monetary history of the region, with an extensive collection of artifacts such as ancient coins, bank notes and rare documents, including checks signed by the founding father of the nation.

The museum housed in the century-old building of the erstwhile Imperial Bank of India on Karachis II Chundrigar Road takes visitors on a journey of the evolution of finance, from ancient barter systems to the sophisticated financial instruments available today .

Notable exhibits on display at the museum include the first check issued to Habib Bank from the personal account of Pakistan's founder, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and his original account opening form.

This State Bank Museum is Pakistan's first and only money museum that covers the theme of the evolution of money from barter to electronic banking, said Jibran Ali, head of the museum, to Arab News.

One of the specialties of this museum is the coins… From the 6th century BC to the coins of Pakistan today, we have all the coins of the different dynasties available in this museum.

A gallery displays a collection of coins from the emperors who once ruled the region, including the British, the Mughals and the Arab rulers of Sindh. Also on display are the first banknotes printed by the Reserve Bank of India after the independence of India and Pakistan from British rule in 1947.

One of the highlights are the Hajj notes, specially designed for pilgrims from 1949 to the 1980s, which could be used in Saudi Arabia.

In the same vein, we can see that the government of Pakistan [logo] is also mentioned alongside the Reserve Bank of India, Ali said.

A range of cowrie shells, Indus seals and Ratti seeds as well as coins from various ancient cultures such as the Indo-Greek and Kushan eras are also on display.

Cowrie shells were initially used as currency and also as ornaments in jewelry until the 19th century in different parts of the world, Ali explained. Today we have a vast collection of more than 7,000 rare pieces.

Another interesting part of the collection are the old coin machines.

These machines produced coins and paper money and gave visitors a rare insight into the know-how behind money production before modern technology took over, the museum official added.

Also on display are the original office furniture of the first central bank governor, Zahid Hussain, and the bank's first ledger. Visitors can also see old coin minting machines, a money press and Pakistan's first automated teller machine (ATM), introduced by Habib Bank in 1988.

We also have the first ATM, Ali said. And we have original safes from the 1920s.


The building itself is a historical marvel, featuring a Greco-Roman design with a stunning glass ceiling and finely preserved Burmese teak doors. Built in the 1920s for the Imperial Bank of India, the structure is made of Jodhpuri red sandstone and is a great example of colonial-era architecture.

Heritage and archeology expert Professor Altaf Aseem said the museum was important both for its building and the collection it contains.

From cowrie shells to modern currency, the museum displays a wide range of objects. However, the building that houses these coins and currencies is equally important, as it is itself a heritage site. In a way, we can say that heritage is housed in heritage, Aseem told Arab News.

The metal banknotes and coins on display also featured an impressive range of art and calligraphy from different periods, the historian said.

For example, some display Khat-e-Kufi, others use Nastaliq and some feature Naskh script, Aseem added, referring to different styles of calligraphy.

This variety is a strong point of the collection. Even though details are often missing, such as who created these designers, the collection remains remarkable.

Babar Ali, a visitor, said the museum offered a deep dive into the history of money.

One of the most impressive sections is the collection of rare coins, including those from the era of Alexander the Great, Arab rulers and other important historical empires, the retired government official said.

The exhibit also includes pieces of precious metals like gold and silver, which highlight their importance in past economies.




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