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Vanuatu earthquake: New Zealand sends rescue teams and aid after a deadly 7.3-magnitude earthquake

Vanuatu earthquake: New Zealand sends rescue teams and aid after a deadly 7.3-magnitude earthquake


“Other flights will continue as planned, including a C-130J with MFAT and support personnel at first light as well as a Boeing 757 to transport cargo and enable evacuations tomorrow afternoon.”

Desperate search efforts have entered their second day after an earthquake struck off the Pacific nation's capital of Port Vila, causing a large number of casualties and extensive damage.

The death toll following Tuesday's 7.3-magnitude earthquake stands at 14, and more than 200 people have been treated for their injuries at Vila Central Hospital, according to the Vanuatu government. The numbers are expected to rise as rescue efforts continue.

Rescue operations are still underway in Port Vila, Vanuatu, after a 7.3-meter earthquake struck the west of the island on Tuesday. Photo/Vanuatu Police

Earlier in the day, a RNZAF P-8A Poseidon aircraft conducted an observation flight over Port Vila to help assess the damage.

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Landslides and damage to roads and bridges blocked access to the airport and main port.

A second Hercules aircraft is scheduled to depart for Vanuatu today, carrying staff from other government agencies along with two New Zealand Defense Force personnel who will be part of the planning team to assist with the emergency response.

More emergency response equipment and stores will also be loaded on board.

New Zealand Joint Forces Commander, Major General Rob Kroschka, said the New Zealand Defense Forces were ready to provide further assistance to Vanuatu.

“We have personnel and platforms ready to respond, and planning is ongoing to provide what Vanuatu needs,” he said.

New Zealand Fire and Emergency Services also announced it will send 34 USAR personnel to the Vanuatu capital to support the disaster response.

“Their focus will be on conducting urban search and rescue operations in support of the local emergency management agency,” National Commander Russell Wood said.

The team was prepared to stay in Vanuatu for up to 14 days.

An RNZAF Hercules aircraft prepares to provide assistance to Vanuatu after its devastating earthquake. Photo/New Zealand Defense Forces

Vanuatu Prime Minister Charlotte Salwai issued a seven-day state of emergency and said the country was “urgently requesting international assistance.”

Port Vila resident Michael Thompson reported seeing three people being pulled alive but injured from collapsed buildings by rescue crews.

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“[There have been] “Incredible displays of bravery, as people enter tight spaces to carry out rescue operations,” he said.

He added that more help was needed, including heavy machinery to help comb through the rubble of buildings and cold water for volunteers to extract trapped people.

The New Zealand Red Cross has launched an appeal to support those affected by the earthquake and subsequent aftershocks, with donations to support teams on the ground providing emergency relief.

“We know how generous and compassionate New Zealanders are and we hope this appeal provides people with a way to send tangible support to the tens of thousands of people in Vanuatu tragically affected by this disaster,” New Zealand Red Cross Secretary-General Sarah Stewart-Black said.

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