PM Modi defends Amit Shah amid row over 'fashion' remarks

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday launched a scathing attack on the Congress by strongly defending Union Home Minister Amit Shah against the Congress charge that he insulted BR Ambedkar in his speech in the Rajya Sabha .
Prime Minister Modi, in a message thread on “. As far as Ambedkar is concerned, his government's respect and reverence is absolute, the Prime Minister asserted.
“If the Congress and its rotten ecosystem think that their malicious lies can cover up their years-long misdeeds, especially their insults towards Dr. Ambedkar, they are sorely mistaken! The people of India have seen time and again how a Party, ruled by a single dynasty, has indulged in every dirty trick possible to erase the legacy of Dr Ambedkar and humiliate the SC/ST communities,” Modi said.
If the Congress and its rotten ecosystem think that their malicious lies can cover up their years-long misdeeds, including their insult to Dr. Ambedkar, they are sorely mistaken!
The people of India have seen time and again how a Party, ruled by a single dynasty, has indulged in
Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 18, 2024
His remarks come a day after a massive ruckus that ensued in the lower and upper houses over Shah's controversial remarks on Ambedkar in his speech in the Rajya Sabha during his response to the debate on the Constitution.
“Now it has become a fashion to say Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar. In this name, if the name of God goes to heaven until the seventh day of life.” (It has become a fashion to say Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar. If they had taken God's name so many times, they would have had a place in heaven for eternity, Shah said, addressing the opposition.
The remarks triggered a wave of reactions from the opposition, with Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge demanding Amit Shah's resignation and apology.
Defending Shah, PM Modi said the Congress's list of “sins” against Ambedkar includes: “Having him defeated in elections not once but twice.” Pandit Nehru campaigned against him and made his loss a question of prestige. Deny him a Bharat Ratna. his portrait takes a place of pride in the central hall of Parliament.
The Congress, the Prime Minister said, can do whatever it wants, but it cannot deny that “the worst massacres against the SC/ST communities happened during their regimes”. “For years, they remained in power but did nothing substantial to empower the SC and ST communities,” he said.
Modi said Shah exposed the Congress's “dark history of insulting Ambedkar and ignoring SC/ST communities”. “They are clearly stung and stunned by the facts he presented, which is why they are now engaging in drama! Unfortunately, for them, people know the truth!” he said on X.
He said his government had worked tirelessly to realize Ambedkar's vision over the last decade.
“Take any sector – be it lifting 25 million people out of poverty, strengthening the SC/ST Act, flagship programs of our government like Swachh Bharat, Prime Minister Awas Yojana, Mission Jal Jeevan, Ujjwala Yojana and many more, each of them has touched the lives of the poor and marginalized. Our government has worked to develop Panchteerth, the five iconic places associated with the. Dr Ambedkar,” he added.
For decades, Modi said, there was a pending question regarding the 'Chaitya Bhoomi' plot, where Ambedkar was cremated. “Not only did our government solve the problem, but I also went to pray there,” he added.
“We also developed 26, Alipur Road in Delhi, where Dr Ambedkar spent his later years. The house where he lived in London was also acquired by the government. As far as Dr Ambedkar is concerned, our respect and our reverence are absolute,” he said.
Learn more
- Congress demands apology from Amit Shah over 'Ambedkar remark'
- Congress distorts Shah's remarks on Ambedkar: Rijiju
Sources 2/ https://www.etvbharat.com/en/!bharat/prime-minister-narendra-modi-defends-amit-shah-says-home-minister-exposed-congress-dark-history-of-insulting-br-ambedkar-enn24121803079 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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