Indiana-Notre Dame football ready for snow in College Football Playoff
![Indiana-Notre Dame football ready for snow in College Football Playoff Indiana-Notre Dame football ready for snow in College Football Playoff](,2389,x0,y215&width=660&height=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp)
SOUTH BEND Howard Cross fondly remembers the last time Notre Dame football played a cold game.
Late in the 2022 season, the Irish fight hosted Boston College. Snow was forecast, but it was not certain when it would arrive. However, seemingly out of nowhere, snowstorms descended on Notre Dame Stadium. The green turf became a snowy, white winter wonderland.
It was one of the funniest games I've ever played, said Cross, now a graduated senior defensive lineman. I was in the field when the snow started to fall. I'll never forget them running the ball, I hit the middle, the quarterback dropped back and threw it. I turned around and couldn't see anything outside five yards. I turned to the center and said, Where did the ball go? He said, I don't know.
It could be deja vu for Cross and company during Friday's College Football Playoff game for the No. 7 Irish (11-1) and No. 10 Indiana Hoosiers (11-1). The current one forecast from WNDU-TV in South Bend calls for a 30% chance of scattered snow showers around the time the game starts (8 p.m., ESPN).
The low temperature will be 21 degrees, with wind chills pushing the wind chill into the teens.
I feel like I play some of my best games in frigid weather, Cross said. It's cold, you won't get very tired or overheated.
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Memories of games in cold weather
Several defensive players on the Notre Dame roster participated in the 2022 snow game against Boston College, a 44-0 Irish win. Despite growing up in Omaha, Nebraska, two-time All-American safety Xavier Watts is not a fan of playing in freezing temperatures.
“I hate the cold,” Watts said. When you're out there, you don't necessarily feel it just playing. You're too cooped up and you're too hot that it normally doesn't bother you. But yes, I will be bundled.
Sixth-year linebacker Jack Kiser has several years of experience playing in the cold. The Irish captain, a two-time IHSAA state champion at Pioneer High School, remembers taping up the ear holes of his helmet during a postseason game against Triton in 2018 so the howling wind wouldn't damage his ears.
It seemed like we had all four seasons (in that Boston College game), Kiser said. I remember when the snow fell, you weren't cold. The boys were excited to get on the field and play. So bring on the snow, bring on the blizzard. Were excited about it.
Although he has less experience playing in cold temperatures, Irish quarterback Riley Leonard remembers a game against Pitt in 2022 where the wind chill was in the lower teens. That was when the Alabama native was still leading Duke, a game the Blue Devils lost 45-24.
Leonard likes what Mother Nature has to offer him this time.
I don't really care that it would be kind of cool, right? Leonard said when asked if he wanted snow on Friday night. It would make for nice pictures or something. I don't really care, it's snowing great.
Preparing to play in the elements
While Kiser had to endure the cold in high school, everyone has plenty of ways to stay warm on Friday night.
The most important of these are the heated sofas from Dragon Seats. The technology not only heats the benches, but also the poles on which players place their helmets.
Dragon Seats COO Franklin Floyd also praised another of the company's products, Dragon ShadERs, which can be hung over sofas to protect against freezing rain.
The statement we hear most often is that our product is a game changer, especially in extreme weather conditions like we expected in South Bend this weekend, Floyd said. I think our benches will really contribute to player safety and player performance, and that's what it's all about.
Indiana is no stranger to the cold either. The last game of the season was played at home in snowy conditions against Purdue. The Hoosiers defeated their rival 66-0 and clinched a CFP spot.
Notre Dame coach Marcus Freeman doesn't care how his team stays warm, they just care throughout the game.
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