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The threat of cyclones looms as Vanuatu struggles with the effects of the earthquake

The threat of cyclones looms as Vanuatu struggles with the effects of the earthquake


Vanuatu is at risk of landslides triggered by severe weather following a deadly 7.4 magnitude earthquake, with the country's meteorological office warning that a low pressure system will bring rain early next week.

The Vanuatu Department of Meteorology and Geohazards has issued a warning of low to moderate probability of cyclone development.

Officials are closely monitoring low pressure activity in the Coral Sea, which is expected to move toward Vanuatu.

“There is a 10 to 60 percent chance this system will develop into a hurricane,” the department said Thursday in a Facebook post.

People inspect a collapsed building as recovery efforts continue. (EPA/Michael Thompson Bulletin)

They also warned residents of the possibility of landslides and flash floods, especially in areas already affected by debris and erosion.

This warning comes as the city of Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu, is still without water after Tuesday's 7.3-magnitude earthquake destroyed reservoirs and caused widespread destruction.

The death toll has been revised from 14 to nine but is still expected to rise, according to Vanuatu's National Disaster Management Office.

Rescue efforts are underway

Emergency teams have rescued seven survivors from the collapse of the Billabong building in Port Vila's central business district.

The body of one victim was also recovered from the rubble, although it remains unclear how many people were inside the building when it collapsed.

Disaster Management Minister John Salong admitted on Thursday that two days after the quake, search efforts will now begin to focus on recovering the bodies of the dead.

Emergency teams, including Australian and French search and rescue personnel, are working to recover survivors trapped under collapsed buildings and landslides in Port Vila.

The embassies of the United States, United Kingdom, France, and New Zealand were damaged in a 7.3 magnitude earthquake. (attached)

French Ambassador Jean-Baptiste Janjin Wilmer confirmed the death of French citizen Vincent Guisset, who was killed when a building collapsed in the city center.

Authorities estimate that between eight and 15 people remain buried under the rubble of another collapsed building, with several deaths already confirmed.

The Chinese embassy stated that two Chinese citizens were among the dead.

Scenes of devastation following the violent earthquake that struck Vanuatu. (attached)

A near-total communications outage has hampered efforts to ensure residents' safety, with intermittent phone service slowly restored.

Internet access is still not available due to damage to the submarine cable connecting Vanuatu.

The arrival of international aid

Australia, New Zealand, France and the United States have mobilized to help Vanuatu.

A total of 148 Australians were evacuated on RAAF flights overnight.

Return of Australian citizens from Vanuatu. (Supplied: DFAT)

Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong confirmed that Australia is helping to restore operations at Port Vila International Airport, which remains closed to commercial flights due to damage caused by the earthquake.

A Royal New Zealand Air Force Hercules aircraft delivered rescue equipment and paramedics on Thursday and will help evacuate New Zealand citizens.

Meanwhile, a US military plane carrying more aid is scheduled to arrive, and France has also deployed a military helicopter equipped with satellite communications and engineering personnel.

More than 200 people have been treated for injuries since the quake, and local authorities warn that numbers may rise as recovery efforts continue.

Residents in hilly areas prone to landslides have been urged to evacuate amid the dual threat of aftershocks and possible cyclonic weather.





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