What college football bowling games are on these days? Boca Raton Bowl and LA Bowl

The show must go on, as the old saying goes. Amid the now annual bickering over players and coaches on the road, there remain time slots that can be filled with sports products. And so, for better or worse, college football bowl season continues.
There are a few postseason games on Wednesday at warm-weather venues, which was, after all, the original draw for these postseason exhibitions. First, there's a clash of programs that spent much of the season chasing the league title in the Group of Five. Next, the nightcap shows the second-ranked team taking the field during bowl season.
Here are today's matchups.
Boca Raton Bowl – James Madison vs. Western Kentucky
Time/TV/location: 5:30 PM ET, ESPN, Boca Raton, Florida.
Why watch: It's easy to forget that JMU is still relatively new to the Bowl Subdivision. The Dukes took a small step back this year in coach Bob Chesney's first season, but can still earn a program milestone with their first bowl win. South Florida is a well-known destination for the Hilltopperswho have won this event two more times. Western Kentucky QB Caden Veltkamp is expected to play even though his name is in the transfer portal, though many of his teammates who helped get the Toppers to the C-USA title game won't be there. The Dukes will also be shorthanded with QB Alonza Barnett out with an injury, so they will likely rely heavily on RBs George Pettaway and Wayne Knight.
Why it might disappoint: JMU could have a significant advantage with a more cohesive roster. But WKU's bowl history has often come with a dose of wildness, like last year when the Toppers mounted a 21-point comeback in the fourth quarter to beat Old Dominion, so anything is possible.
ON THE MOVE: Ranking the top quarterbacks in the transfer portal
BEST TO WORST:Rankings of all 35 college football bowl games
LA Bowl – No. 24 UNLV vs. California
Time/TV/location: 9:00 PM ET, ESPN, Inglewood, California.
Why watch: The good news for UNLV with coach Barry Odom leaving for Purdue is that he has at least made the job attractive enough to interest a free agent like Dan Mullen with a proven track record. Before he takes over, however, the Rebels will be led by interim coach Del Alexander in this matchup with the Golden Bears, who themselves will be in transition with QB Fernando Mendoza in the portal. UNLV should have most of its key personnel available on the field, including QB Hajj-Malik Williams and WR Ricky White, as well as top RB JaiDen Thomas. Leading California WR Nyziah Hunter is also in the portal with Mendoza, so CJ Harris or Chandler Rogers will likely be handing the ball around a lot. The good news for the Bears is that RB Jaydn Ott can finally be back to full speed after dealing with ankle issues for much of the season.
Why it might disappoint: California won all of its non-conference games, but went just 2-6 in its first run through the ACC. If the Rebels see this as an opportunity to make a statement, it could be a long night for the Bears.
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