“A true legend”: family, stars say goodbye to tennis great Neale Fraser | December 18, 2024 | All news | News and Features | News and events

As family, friends and Australian tennis legends said goodbye to Neale Fraser at a state funeral, former world champion Roger Federer also paid tribute to the great Australian.
Melbourne, Australia, December 18, 2024 | Melissa Woods, AAP
The tennis community, including Lleyton Hewitt, Paul McNamee, Todd Woodbridge and John Fitzgerald, were among those who farewelled Neale Fraser at a state funeral at St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne on Wednesday.
Former world number 1 Roger Federer also paid tribute to the Australian great.
It followed the death of the former Davis Cup captain at the age of 91 on December 3.
The funeral was also attended by former Victorian premiers Jeff Kennett, Ted Baillieu and John Brumby, along with current leader Jacinta Allan, who Fraser described as “equal parts pure blinding talent and diligent, determined hard work”.
Fraser won 19 Grand Slam singles titles, including three singles titles, and was ranked number one in the world in both singles and doubles during his career.
But he is best remembered for his involvement in the Davis Cup, both as a player and in a record-breaking run as Australian captain.
After helping Australia claim four consecutive Davis Cup titles from 1959 to 1962, he captained Australia for a record 24 years from 1970 to 1993, leading Australia to four finals victories in 1973, 1977, 1983 and 1986 – and recorded 55 wins from 75 played competitions. .
Fitzgerald, who was part of the last two titles, said Fraser set the bar high for his Davis Cup protégés.
“He was a hero of mine who became my captain, which turned into my mentor and my friend,” the former doubles star said of their 1983 team of Paul McNamee, Pat Cash and Mark Edmondson.
“He had the ability to bring together the different characters in our team.
“We were four different personalities, all friends but from different planets, but he made us work together and fight for a common goal.
“He had a great passion for the green and gold.”
Carrying a mini Davis Cup trophy, a wooden racket and his signature terrycloth hat next to the casket topped with an Australian flag, Fitzgerald read out a letter Federer had sent to Fraser's widow Thea.
“I am deeply saddened to hear of Neale's passing… he was a true legend of our sport and his remarkable achievements and leadership continue to inspire players everywhere,” Federer wrote.
“He and his generation have set an incredible example for all of us to follow.”
A three-time Grand Slam singles champion, Fraser defeated Rod Laver in a memorable all-Australian Wimbledon men's final in 1960.
He also won two US Open singles titles, beating Laver again in 1960, a year after beating Peruvian-born American Alex Olmedo.
Emerging during the golden era of Australian men's tennis, Fraser also amassed 16 Grand Slam doubles titles, completing the career slam in the men's format and claiming five mixed major trophies.
He was elected to the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 1984, the Australian Tennis Hall of Fame in 1994, and was honored with the Philippe Chatrier Award for outstanding tennis achievements in 2008.
He was remembered by his wife Thea, her three children and his five children with first wife Wendy.
Daughter Melissa Fraser spoke on behalf of the family, talking about her father's love of golf and horse racing, as well as his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
“Dad, if you've taught us one thing in life, it's passion,” she said.
“Whether it's barracking the Melbourne Demons, trying to pick a winner at the races or on the golf course.
“You shunned professional life to secure your Davis Cup captaincy, that's the father we first knew Australia with.
“Whether it was the Fed Cup, the Davis Cup or the Olympics, your passion for your country was admirable.”
She said Wimbledon was his “special place”, where Fraser visited more than 50 times, including his last trip in 2023 when he was honored as a former champion.
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