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Britain's youngest murderer after James Bulger murder could face longer sentence as judge considers appeal for leniency | uk news

Britain's youngest murderer after James Bulger murder could face longer sentence as judge considers appeal for leniency | uk news


Britain's youngest felons can today be handed longer sentences if judges decide a sentence of eight-and-a-half years is too lenient.

Both boys were 12 when they were found guilty of the brutal machete attack that killed Sean Sisahai, 19, in Wolverhampton in November 2023.

Mr Sishai suffered injuries to his legs and skull, and the fatal blow to his back was 23cm deep and almost reached his chest.

Image: Mr Seesahai was attacked after a boy deliberately approached him. Photo: PA Image: The attack occurred in Wolverhampton Park on November 13, 2023. Photo:PA

The boys are believed to be the youngest to be convicted of murder in Britain since the 11-year-old killer of James Bulger in 1993.

They accused each other of wielding the machete, but were found to be jointly responsible for the attack. Judge Tipples called it “appalling and shocking”.

But she said in September that the boys' “emotional maturity” and other factors based on their age and upbringing should be taken into account when sentencing them to a minimum sentence of eight years and six months.

The boys are now 13 but cannot legally be named because of laws protecting young offenders. The judge said their welfare was more important than wider concerns about public justice.

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0:58 The moment the two boys were found guilty of murder with a deadly weapon

Their bid to increase their sentences is due to be heard under the Unduly Lenient Sentence (ULS) scheme at the Court of Appeal this morning.

Relatives, victims and members of the public can use this system to ask the Attorney General's Office to review unreasonably low sentences.

If the three senior judges decide it is too lenient based on the evidence at the time, it can be thrown out and replaced with a new one. You can also leave it unchanged.

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1:22 Sishai family, ‘disappointed’ in sentence

Mr Seesahai, originally from Anguilla in the Caribbean, had been staying in Birmingham while recovering from cataract surgery and hoped to become an engineer in the UK.

The attack happened when he and a friend came across a group of children in a Wolverhampton park.

Prosecutors said he was attacked after one of the boys deliberately “patted him on the shoulder” and pulled out a machete, despite doing nothing to provoke them.

Mr Sishai's friend escaped, but the 19-year-old was thrown to the ground, punched, kicked and stabbed repeatedly.

The boys were placed in secure accommodation following the attack.




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