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Xi Jinping praises outgoing leader's performance during pandemic – Observer

Xi Jinping praises outgoing leader's performance during pandemic – Observer


The Chinese president praised the performance, during the covid-19 pandemic, of the outgoing head of the executive of Macau, whose mandate ends this Thursday, and considered that Ho Iat Seng had no “an easy task”.

Xi Jinping praised Ho Iat Seng for “overcoming the serious challenges posed by the pandemic,” according to a statement released Wednesday evening by China’s official Xinhua news agency.

Ho took office on December 20, 2019, and has faced the economic impact of nearly three years of strict political restrictions. “zero covid”, which included quarantines upon entering Macau.

According to official data, the Chinese special region's gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 56.3% in 2020 and by another 26.8% in 2022, before growing again, by 80.5%. in 2023, with the resumption of tourism.


During a meeting with Ho Iat Seng in Macau, Xi Jinping also welcomed “efforts to diversify the economy appropriately.”

During the first nine months of the year, the territory's GDP returned to 87.3% of the level recorded before the pandemic, but tourism services continue to represent 79.7% of the economy.

Xi Jinping “expressed the central authorities' full recognition of Ho Iat Seng's work” and said the outgoing chief executive “has faced challenges in a pragmatic and productive manner.”

“It is not an easy task, but it has achieved great results,” he added.

Xi stressed “full and precise implementation of the 'one country, two systems' policy with unwavering determination, resolutely safeguarding the country's national sovereignty, security and development interests.”

The concept of “one country, two systems”, initially proposed by Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997) and first applied in 1997 and 1999, with the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong and the administration of Macau, respectively, has provided for more than 50 years, a certain degree of autonomy for the two regions, with emphasis on respect for the freedoms and guarantees of citizens.

Macau is Beijing's trump card to legitimize the “one country, two systems” formula

At the same meeting, Ho Iat Seng thanked Xi Jinping's “trust and support” and said the government he led “has raised [Macau] to a new level on all fronts.

Xi is in the city for a three-day visit, during which he will inaugurate Chief Executive-elect Sam Hou Fai on Friday, marking the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR). ). .

Xi Jinping's last visit to the city was exactly five years ago, when he presided over the inauguration of Ho Iat Seng.

Sam Hou Fai was chosen on October 13 by an electoral college of 400 members, selected by more than 6,200 representatives of local associations and organizations.

Former President of the Court of Last Instance He will be the first head of government in the region to speak Portuguese.




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