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“Peace documents with Ukraine will only be signed with a legitimate leader”

“Peace documents with Ukraine will only be signed with a legitimate leader”


The prospects for negotiations with Ukraine and the fall of Bashar al Assad In Syria, security agencies criticized for assassination of general Igor Kirillov and a eulogy to Silvio Berlusconi: the end of year conference of Vladimir Putin As usual, Putin offered a broad overview of the issues under discussion. From the war in Ukraine to strengthening alliances with countries like Belarus and China, to the situation in Syria and technological developments in the military field, the Russian president sought to paint a picture of strength and resilience for his country, while recognizing some of the challenges Russia faces. The war in Ukraine remains a central issue. After almost three years of conflict, Putin reiterated Russia's willingness to negotiate, but with one clear condition: “We have no preconditions for starting negotiations, but the peace documents will only be signed with a legitimate leader,” Putin said, referring to the Ukrainian president. . Volodymyr Zelensky. However, he stressed that kyiv must also demonstrate a real willingness to compromise, pointing out that in 2022, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson convinced kyiv to continue fighting, thus prolonging the conflict.

Putin's statements reflect a discourse that presents Russia as an actor ready to engage in dialogue, but accuses the West of obstructing any peace initiative. The situation on the ground, however, remains complex: the Russian armed forces continue to carry out large-scale military operations, while Ukraine, supported by NATO countries, is holding on despite the difficulties. Putin also warned of the depletion of Ukraine's human and material resources, saying time could be on Russia's side. Another crucial issue addressed by the president was the role of new military technologies. Putin said that the Oreshnik hypersonic missile is “practically impossible to shoot down” and explained that the anti-missile systems installed in Romania and Poland “would not be able to counter it even at a distance of two thousand kilometers”, emphasizing the superiority technology of Russia. in this area. These declarations are part of a strategy aimed at strengthening the image of a Russia at the forefront in the military field, capable of protecting itself from external threats, in particular those coming from the Atlantic Alliance. Almost all NATO countries are at war with Russia, Putin added, highlighting the rising costs of war materials for the Alliance and questioning the economic sustainability of growing military spending.

On the strategic alliance front, Putin reiterated the importance of relations with Belarus, a key ally in the region. Any threat to Belarus will be seen as a threat to Russia itself, he said, emphasizing close cooperation with leader Alexander Lukashenko. This partnership, according to Putin, is an integral part of Russia's updated nuclear strategy, a clear signal to Western adversaries of the strength of the Moscow-Minsk axis. The situation in Syria was also a subject of reflection. Russian intervention, according to Putin, succeeded in preventing the creation of a terrorist enclave similar to that of other countries, such as Afghanistan. This is not a defeat for Russia, we have achieved our goals, he said, rejecting Western criticism. However, he acknowledged that the situation in the Middle Eastern country remains complex, expressing hope that Syria will achieve peace and stability. Putin also clarified that the Russian military presence is limited to two bases, one air and one naval, and operates mainly in support of local forces and certain pro-Iranian formations. In this regard, the head of the Kremlin confirmed the transfer of 4 Iranian fighters from Syria to Tehran, at the request of the Iranian authorities.

Finally, relations with China constitute a pillar of Russian foreign policy. Putin praised the level of cooperation between the two countries, describing their alliance as being based on complete mutual trust. The Russian president highlighted the volume of trade, which reached between $220 billion and $240 billion, emphasizing the importance of a strong economic partnership to address global challenges. We act based on our national interests, he said, calling Chinese President Xi Jinping a personal friend. A friend like former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who did a lot for the development of Italian-Russian relations. Putin cited Berlusconi among the departed world leaders who helped advance relations with Russia. In addition to the former Italian Prime Minister, the outgoing Kremlin president named former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and former French President Jacques Chirac. But Putin focused primarily on Italy, saying that Russia senses that Italian society has some sympathy for his country and that the feeling is reciprocal. Despite what is happening today, we feel that there is within Italian society a certain sympathy for Russia, just as we have a certain sympathy for Italy, Putin said.

During the conference, Putin also addressed speculation about his health, dismissing it with irony and quoting Mark Twain: Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. This intervention, although apparently marginal, is part of a broader context of consolidating the image of a strong leader in control, despite internal and external difficulties. In short, Vladimir Putin's speech constitutes an affirmation of Russia's resilience and strategic ambition. Even if the economic, political and military challenges are numerous, the Russian president sought to convey a message of confidence in the future of the country, while strengthening the image of a Russia which continues to play a central role in the balance global geopolitics.

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