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New treatments and diagnostics highlight updates to national Alzheimer's disease roadmap

New treatments and diagnostics highlight updates to national Alzheimer's disease roadmap


The 2024 update of the nation's roadmap for strategies and actions to address Alzheimer's disease was released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday, and includes federal approval of new dementia drugs and new diagnostic tests, as well as behavioral and lifestyle changes. Intervention is emphasized.

Changes to National plan to address Alzheimer's disease How HHS can accelerate research, expand treatments, improve care, support people with dementia and their caregivers, and encourage actions to reduce risk factors while addressing its six goals. I will explain.

largely 7 million Americans live with Alzheimer's diseaseAccording to the Alzheimer's Association, that number is expected to more than double by 2060. About 44% of assisted living residents They have been diagnosed with dementia, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics.

The Alzheimer's Association said it is important that the country continues to improve person-centered and coordinated care.

“These updates reflect a new era of therapeutic care, as additional safe treatments are developed and the full range of dementia “We're focused on making it available to individuals at all stages of their lives.” McKnight's Senior Living.

Egge said the Alzheimer's Association supports the bipartisan Comprehensive Care Act, which is the foundation for guiding improvements in the dementia experience. guidemodel. The model aims to improve the quality of life of people with dementia, reduce the burden on unpaid carers, and enable people with dementia to remain in their homes and communities.

New treatments and treatments

After decades of rigorous scientific research, the Food and Drug Administration last year granted approval to multiple therapeutics for the treatment of early symptomatic Alzheimer's disease, according to the report. Federal funding through the National Institutes of Health supported research on amyloid, the protein targeted by these drugs, and the development and validation of amyloid positron emission tomography imaging, a core technology in drug trials.

An NIH-funded clinical trial of behavioral and lifestyle interventions also found this year: Active blood pressure control Reduces age-related cognitive impairment, hearing aid It can reduce cognitive decline over three years in older adults with certain risk factors. daily multivitamin The memory of the elderly is slightly improved, personalized health coaching Cognitive function improved and dementia risk decreased in older adults with at least two modifiable risk factors.

The report also noted “remarkable” advances in diagnostic approaches and evaluation of dementia, including the development of new diagnostic methods. blood test And liquid markers. These new tests have the potential to reduce the cost and time required to enroll individuals into clinical trials, and may help lower barriers to trial participation.

This fall, President Biden signed the following agreements: NAPA Reauthorization Act The legislation also adds stakeholders to the Alzheimer's Disease Research, Care, and Services Advisory Council and codifies risk reduction as a key focus area.

Egge said the Alzheimer's Association also supports the NAPA Reauthorization Act. Alzheimer's Accountability and Investment Law and Re-certification ACT in boldwhich ensures the continued implementation of the national plan.

Throughout 2025, HHS and its federal partners will work with advisory committees and others to revise national plan goals and strategies to reflect progress over the past 13 years as well as a vision to address Alzheimer's disease, according to the report. It's planned. Over the next 10 years.




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