Inmates in Green County Jail, loved ones speak out
Inmates and their families were left largely vulnerable as Green County reported records of 83 inmates and 29 staff positive for coronavirus as of Wednesday night. Have been done.
Six current prisoners, two former prisoners, and four detainee loved ones were told by news readers that due to slow and inadequate masking protocols, and lack of physical distance and other safeguards. He reported that hundreds of prisoners may have been exposed to the virus.
All inmates who spoke with the reporters were held in an open, two-tiered “trailer prison” at the facility where the incident was reported.
Those people said the masks weren’t provided to them until after the first coronavirus case was reported at the facility earlier this week. Even now, disposable disposable masks aren’t replaced for a few days and are needed because supply is limited, officials say.
Inmates also couldn’t keep themselves apart from nearby cells or relatively small trailers, effectively eliminating the possibility of being physically separated, they said.
On Tuesday night, in a video call with a newsreader, several prisoners stood together behind the camera. At least two people pointed to their masks or took off and said they hadn’t changed for a few days.
At one point, prisoner Nathaniel Persinger looked out of the camera and suddenly indicated he needed to sign off.
“For now, I think they are putting everyone’s life at risk,” he said.
In a text message on Wednesday, Green County Sheriff Jim Arnott asked about the video interview before asking all the questions about the outbreak of the coronavirus to Vice President Jason Winston, a spokesman for the department.
In the list of answers to the questions sent by email, authorities again referred to the video call, emphasizing that the inmates in the background were not physically separated.
“Remember that in your video they don’t follow the rules of social distance and masking,” it said. “The staff separated them at the end of the call because they continue to make inadequate decisions.”
The imprisoned men said the trailer would not allow them to be physically separated, even under normal circumstances. The dormitory-style area with bunk bed walls can accommodate up to 108 people.
More:Green County set a day-long record for the Department of Health. Receive 95 new cases of COVID-19
According to Persinger, a recent test found positive and quarantined elsewhere, reducing trailer population. As of Tuesday night, there were about 40 people left.
On Wednesday afternoon, Persinger said the agent had brought back previously positive people to the trailer. He said he had not seen the results of either test he took.
Of the approximately 750 prisoners in prison, 170 and 102 officers were inspected, according to the sheriff’s office. Of these, almost half of the inmates and 28% of detainees tested positive. According to Winston, 78 homes were isolated.
“Yes, that’s a concern,” a spokesman said, when asked if department officials were concerned about the wider outbreak, given the number of police who tested positive.
of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guidelines for Testing in Correctional Facilities It is recommended that everyone who is in close contact with a known positive case be tested as soon as possible.
However, if the outbreak spreads further, the CDC recommends “a more extensive testing strategy to reduce the likelihood of large outbreaks, in addition to testing close contacts within the facility.”
Winston wrote in an email that four local labs, including Jordan Valley Community Health, Cox Health, Mercy, and Dynamic DNA, are processing tests, but they’re either in the trailer or brought to the facility, where they’re showing symptoms.
This leaves people who are not experiencing symptoms still having the possibility of having the virus, said the sheriff’s office was the situation for the majority of confirmed cases. ..
Prisoner Thomas Lee Hand said he really did not accept fear until the virus began to spread around him.
“It’s a bad situation,” he said. “We are exposed to the coronavirus for them.”
Mr Persinger said people were scared and that by avoiding the situation altogether, better precautions could have been taken.
More:Pokin Around: Anonymous tips lead to information about the number of Cox, Mercy nursing at COVID-19
“They have been aware of this for eight months and have not taken precautions,” he said.
He said he knew some people who got sick and worried about what would happen next and didn’t report it, and when some detainees and families were talking about the virus. I reported that I was blocked from calling and visiting with the uneven WiFi.
“They are even afraid to talk to staff because of the way they treat us,” said Persinger.
Outside the prison, Mariah Norris, whose brother-in-law is imprisoned, said the outbreak was also worn by the family.
“He’s a bigger man and he doesn’t seem afraid of anything, but in his voice I can say he is,” she said.
Katie Kull covers the newsreader’s local government. Do you have a story to tell? Call her at 417-408-1025 or email her at kkull @ Can also support local journalism
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