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A move by PM Modi can seriously harm Bangladesh, Dhaka is 94% dependent on India, here's how

A move by PM Modi can seriously harm Bangladesh, Dhaka is 94% dependent on India, here's how


Relations between India and Bangladesh deteriorated after the ouster of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the arrival of a caretaker government led by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus in Dhaka.

A move by PM Modi can seriously harm Bangladesh, Dhaka is 94% dependent on India, here's how

India-Bangladesh relations: After the fall of Sheikh Hasina's regime in August, Bangladesh chose to take a confrontational stance towards India and began moving more towards New Delhi's rivals Pakistan and China . But the country is now on the brink of economic and social collapse as radical elements appear to be running the show.

Bangladesh, which shares 94 percent of its border with India, is heavily dependent on its larger neighbor, particularly from an economic and security perspective. Bangladesh's 4,367 km-long border makes it dependent on India for security and trade, with New Delhi being Dhaka's largest trading partner.

In 2022-2023, the total trade between India and Bangladesh stood at $16 billion, of which the latter's exports to the former accounted for only around $2 billion, meaning Dhaka has a huge trade deficit with New Delhi. Bangladesh imports key commodities and essential products such as cotton, food grains, sugar, electronics and steel, among others, from India, and stopping the trade would undoubtedly cripple the economy of Dhaka.

Bangladesh's textile industry, which forms the backbone of the country's economy, contributing 11 percent to its GDP, is also dependent on India. India reportedly exports 35 percent of its total cotton production to Bangladesh, and the country's textile industry will be hit hard if these imports are stopped.

According to reports, Bangladesh suffered a loss of Rs 2 lakh crore since the fall of Sheikh Hasina in August, due to which the country's GDP growth rate fell to less than 5 percent, compared to 6.3 for hundred before. Furthermore, a rapid decline in per capita income has been observed and soaring inflation has worsened the situation.

Bangladesh's textile industry is also facing heavy losses and many businesses are on the verge of closure due to deteriorating law and order and increasing violence against minorities, especially Hindus, in the country. Bangladesh's textile industry is the second largest in the world after China, and many major global brands manufacture their clothing in the country.

Notably, it was previously reported that Bangladesh planned to import large quantities of sugar from Pakistan, an obvious affront to New Delhi, as India is one of Bangladesh's largest importers. The caretaker government of Bangladesh, which recently canceled the bandwidth transit agreement with India, was also considering reducing imports of potatoes and onions from India and studying other sources for these commodities, according to reports.

India-Bangladesh relations

Relations between India and Bangladesh deteriorated after the ouster of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the arrival of a caretaker government led by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus in Dhaka.

Bangladesh has witnessed widespread communal violence against minorities, particularly Hindus, which has soured Dhaka's ties with New Delhi, with the latter accusing the Yunus-led caretaker government of not doing enough and turning a blind eye on the atrocities perpetrated by radical Islamist elements against the country's minority Hindu community.




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