Cricket Scion Summer Warne Cast in 'Snick and Willow'
This was announced by the Australian-Asian animation studio Xentrix Summer Warnedaughter of cricket legend Shane Warne, has joined the cast Snick and Willow Billed as the world's first cricket-themed animated series, celebrating the sport's deep connection with Australian culture. Summer will lend her voice to Indi, Willow's best friend.
“I am excited to officially launch my acting career by being a part of Snick and Willow. After years of training in acting and recently signing with ICON Management, my debut on television will allow me to engage with new audiences in such a fun and creative way,” Summer shares.
“I'm excited to bring Indi to life and hopefully inspire a new generation of young people through this incredible series. I grew up watching animation/TV shows like Snick and Willow and it was always something I looked forward to when I came home from school to watch it, so now to be part of a children's TV show like this is really so special and incredible!
Designed to appeal to cricket enthusiasts and families alike. Snick and Willow is an action-adventure, 3D CG series (13 x 11) that champions the values of friendship, sportsmanship and inclusion. The story follows Snick, a lively Indian boy, and Willow, a determined English girl, as they embark on a thrilling odyssey to preserve their cherished game.
Indi (9 years):
Indi, tough on the outside and inside, is a white Australian girl who loves to rebel against systems of oppression. Despite her short, semi-average stature, she makes her presence felt right in your face with plenty of attitude to rival Willow's. Her best friend and cousin is Rava, the only one who can calm her down or talk sense.
Indi is drawn to counter-culture movements and for her, joining Avenshan in their battle against Malik is more about experiencing dissent than playing cricket. Who knows, maybe she will like the game? As a little backstory, Indi was brought to India by her parents as part of their open-ended pilgrimage, and what she's really railing against is the lack of control over her own life.
Ken Cantrill, Head of Creative for Snick and Willowcommented: “Summer Warne joining the cast adds a layer of authenticity to the series and connects it to the true heritage of crickets. Her energy and acting talents match Indi's character perfectly and we were excited for her to bring this role to life.
Snick and Willow is currently under development.
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