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Greenland says it's not for sale, after Trump suggests taking control

Greenland says it's not for sale, after Trump suggests taking control


Greenland has reminded Donald Trump that the country is not for sale, in response to the US president-elect's comments about taking control of the island.

The territory's Prime Minister, Mute Egede, said Greenland “will never be for sale”, adding that the country must not lose its “long struggle for freedom”.

Trump announced Sunday that he had chosen Ken Howery, a former envoy to Sweden, as ambassador to Copenhagen, and commented on the status of Greenland.

The island is a semi-autonomous part of Denmark and is also home to a large US Air Force base.

Trump seeks to control “national security”

On Truth Social, Trump said the United States believes “ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity,” for “the purposes of national security and freedom around the world.”

Trump, who takes office on January 20, did not elaborate on the statement.

More than a real estate transaction

The US president's expression of interest in Greenland is not just another blunder, but a sign of things to come, as the United States maneuvers to consolidate its strategic position against its rivals emerging.

The Danish Foreign Ministry and the prime minister's office were not immediately available for comment.

Danish conservative politician Rasmus Jarlov said the government must clearly state that control of Greenland was not up for discussion or negotiation.

“To the extent that American activities aim to take control of Danish territory, they must be prohibited and countered. In this case, they cannot be there at all,” Jarlov said on the social media platform .

The island, whose capital Nuuk is closer to New York than the Danish capital Copenhagen, has mineral, oil and gas riches.

Greenland's value comes from its strategic location and natural resources. (AP: Linda Kastrup)

But development has been slow, leaving its economy dependent on fishing and annual subsidies from Denmark.

With its Pituffik air base, Greenland is of strategic importance for the American army and its ballistic missile early warning system.

Interest in Greenland is not newTrump threatens to regain control of the Panama Canal

President-elect Donald Trump plans to regain U.S. control of the Panama Canal, accusing Panama of charging excessive fees for using the waterway.

Trump expressed interest in purchasing Greenland during his previous term, but the proposal was quickly rejected by Denmark and Greenland before formal discussions could take place.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen previously called Trump's offer “absurd”, leading him to call his rejection of the idea “nasty” and subsequently cancel his visit to Copenhagen.

Around 56,000 people live in Greenland, which has held the right to declare independence from Denmark since 2009.

Trump also threatened to reassert U.S. control over the Panama Canal, accusing Panama of charging excessive tariffs to use the canal.





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