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A surge in young people spending Christmas alone in the UK | christmas

A surge in young people spending Christmas alone in the UK | christmas


A British study comparing festive attitudes and behavior in 2024 and 1969 found that the number of young people spending Christmas alone has increased nine-fold.

Research from the Policy Institute at Kings College London found that the overall number of people spending Christmas alone has more than doubled over 55 years, from 5% to 11%.

One in 11 youth ages 21 to 34 plans to spend the holidays alone this year. That number is up from 1 in 100 who said the same 55 years ago.

The proportion of people over 65 who say they will spend Christmas alone has stayed the same since 1969, while the proportion of other demographics has increased to 15% of people over 65.

Professor Bobby Duffy, director of the Institute for Policy Research, said: “Christmas is a little less lonely, a little less merry and a little less magical than it was 55 years ago.” The proportion of people who spend their days alone has doubled, they are less likely to say they enjoy their day and much less likely to think parents should encourage their children to believe in Santa.

But this doesn't mean we've given up on Christmas. In fact, a majority of eight in 10 say they are still enjoying Christmas, and nine in 10 will spend it with family or friends.

The study, based on two nationally representative surveys of British adults aged 21 and over in 2024 and 1969, updates decades-old survey results to understand changes in core beliefs and lifestyles in the UK. It is part of a series of studies.


Other data shows that 80% of people today say they enjoy Christmas, down slightly from 86% in 1969.

Many Britons also believe that stores provide Christmas and festive products to consumers too early, with 79% agreeing with that statement.

Men reported the biggest change in attitudes to Christmas in retail, with 81% of men surveyed saying Christmas products were sold too early. This is up from 59% in 1969.

The religious significance of Christmas has also declined in the UK, with 60% of people seeing Christmas as a family event rather than a religious one.

When asked 55 years ago whether Christmas was more about family than religion, 53% of respondents agreed. This marks the decline of the Christian faith in England.

Joe, 35, from London, is one of those who vacations alone. He said he sees his family all year round and shares better times with them in the spring and summer.

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Today's script will be entirely mine. “It would be salmon and poached eggs for breakfast, Baileys whenever I wanted, and whatever I wanted for dinner,” he said. Why do so many of us find ourselves in the nightmare of Christmas travel? Commercialism and its expectations are simply beyond me.

Despite the enormous societal changes since 1969, Duffy said the data shows that some things have not changed at all.

These long-term trends are also a useful reminder that despite tremendous change, some things have stayed the same, he said.

1969 was the year a man landed on the moon, John and Yoko went to bed for peace, the death penalty was finally abolished, and the current King was made the Prince of Wales.

But even then, eight in ten people complained that Christmas had become too commercialized, at the same rate as it does today.

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This article was revised on December 24, 2024. A previous version of the graph showed a decline in the number of people spending Christmas alone in the 55-64 age group from 1969 to 2024. This should have shown an increase and was corrected.




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