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Movements – Vanuatu – Earthquake | Scoop News

Movements – Vanuatu – Earthquake | Scoop News


Wednesday, December 25, 2024, 2:16 PM Press release: Hansard

Sitting date: December 18, 2024

Vanuatu Movements — Earthquake

Your Honor Winston Peters (Deputy Prime Minister): On a point of order, Mr Speaker. Sorry, Mr. Representative. I apologize to the Labor leader. May I make a motion in this House on the situation in Vanuatu?

Speaker: Is it a ministerial statement or…

Mr. Winston Peters: Well, something like that, yes. Take it any way you want, but something has to be said now.

Speaker: Okay. Can you tell us whether it is a government proposal or a ministerial statement? I think we will make it a ministerial statement by Mr Winston Peters.

Hon Chris Bishop: It is a government proposal.

Speaker: Okay. So, a government proposal by all means. Leave is requested for this purpose. Is there any objection? There seems to be nothing.

Mr. Winston Peters: I ask you that this Council send its condolences and best wishes to the people and Government of Vanuatu in the wake of yesterday's devastating earthquake. I note the Government's announcement that New Zealand will do everything it can to assist Vanuatu at this difficult time, in keeping with the very close relations between our two countries. I note that this offer of assistance will include the deployment of New Zealand military aircraft today; The first this morning to conduct surveillance and assess damage, the second, once the airport is open, to transport a search and rescue team and deliver relief supplies, and perhaps a third this evening. I note the Government's readiness to respond to any further requests for assistance from Vanuatu that may be received.

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Hon David Parker (Labour): Can I thank the Deputy Prime Minister for those comments. Mr. Deputy Prime Minister, I read in the newspaper this morning that the reason for the airport closure in Vanuatu was problems with contaminated fuel. Is this the reason why New Zealand relief planes have not been able to land in Vanuatu yet?

Mr. Winston Peters: May I tell Mr. Parker—

Speaker: Wait a minute, sorry. Look, you need to be clear about this. It is a government proposal. A member may speak to the motion but it is not a ministerial statement with a question and answer attached to it.

Hon David Parker: A point of order, then. Can I just clarify the status of the statement and what rights people have in response?

Speaker: Yes, you can talk to him.

Hon David Parker: I can speak to him. Okay, point of order, Mr. President, does the Minister have the right to respond in the end?

Speaker: No, not based on a government proposal.

Hon David Parker: Right. Well, in that case, Sir, I will support the Deputy Prime Minister's statement. I am sure the House will be interested to know when New Zealand planes are likely to be able to actually land and provide assistance to people in Vanuatu. I wish members of the New Zealand Defense Forces and supporting agencies who are likely to be working over the Christmas period to thank them for their service on behalf of New Zealand and the assistance they provide to the people of Vanuatu.

Motion approved.

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