New 'lung in a box' device could change lives for people waiting for NHS lung transplant
A former smoker is enjoying a second chance at life after becoming the UK's first patient to receive a lung transplant using a new machine called a 'lung box'.
Daniel Evans-Smith, 49, suffered from a critical condition that caused his lung to collapse five times between late 2023 and early 2024.
In July, he became the first NHS patient to take part in a pilot scheme to receive borderline usable donor organs that have been reconditioned and improved using a machine.
Five months later, he continues to improve and is now walking 7,000 steps a day.
Evans-Smith, from Northampton, said: “It's huge that we're increasing the number of viable organs because we can take organs from the donor host and actually improve the condition of the organ and make it less borderline. That's interesting,” he said. and more likely to be transplanted. ”
This technique, called extracorporeal lung perfusion (EVLP), reconditions donated lungs to improve their quality and make them suitable for transplantation. Experts say the results are as good as regular lung transplants.
Currently, only 5% of donated lungs in this country can be used.
The machine is also used in other parts of the world, where it increases the number of transplants by about 30%.
If this technique becomes a permanent procedure, EVLP could significantly increase lung transplants, offering hope to many people waiting for a new organ.
“The only information we have is that if we recondition the lung in this situation, we can achieve results comparable to a normal donor lung,” said transplant physician Jas Palmer.
“You have seen the change in Daniel, from him being sadly severely disabled and on oxygen and unable to do anything, to now. [being] You can walk around and enjoy life a little more.
“And he’s proof of what can be accomplished.”
The Royal Papworth pilot project has been funded for one year, but those involved believe it could save the NHS money if the funding was extended.Surgeon Marius Berman said: 'Sadly, patients like Daniel cost the NHS significant amounts of money through repeated long stays in more expensive facilities such as hospital wards and intensive care units. . [and] A long list of very expensive drugs.
“And we can reduce a lot of that with life-saving transplants.”
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